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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 15, 2014
Hi , i'm a student in architecture school in my last year and i used to work in a macbook 15in for 7 years. Now , it is completely dead and im looking to buy another one! I use many pretentious programs and i want a macbook that can stand this. I am between macbook pro 13inch (2.57GHz dual core intel core i5, 8GB memory, 256GB flash storage) and macbook pro 15inch (2.2GHz quad core intel core i7, 16GB memory, 256GB flash storage) or to be patient for the new release? Also i have to mention that a major factor is the price (here in Greece macbook pro 13in costs 1600euro and 15in 2500euro) , I dont want to spend so much money and im willing to know if i can do my work with 13in or if it is worth to wait for a new release? :)


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Between the two you've mentioned, you should get the 15". No question.

If you can afford to wait, I'd wait. However the 15" is still a very capable machine. If you can get it much cheaper than RRP (basically, not priced as it is on Apple's website), then I'd buy it if you can find a bargain. Otherwise, try and wait it out.

Capt T

macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2010
If you can, I would wait if you are using CAD and BIM programs. Also with being in your last year, you will be looking for something you will use down the road.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Now , it is completely dead
Given that your computer is dead, waiting for a new machine doesn't seem to be in your cards.

I also vote for the 15" model, as you get more bang for your buck, imo
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