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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2018
Hello world.
I have MBP 15" 2015 with iGPU only and I've noticed my fans always active (I think on ~2000rpm) while just charged is connected and my laptop is in sleep mode.
When I disconnect the charger - the fans is going off. When connect again - the fans starts in 5-10 seconds again.
Just interesting - is it ok? Does someone has the same behaviour with the same laptop?
And yes, the fans works even the battery is fully charged. Surely it's not annoying.. I noticed it only after looong time :D and I hear it when I press my ear to the laptop's body.


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
Citrus Heights,CA
Your MacBook Pro will never put the fans in idle (0 rpm) while the computer is on and running. 2000rpm is the slowest that the fans will spin when your computer isn’t being worked hard.

However it seems like your fans are running even when the computer is asleep and with the lid closed, if I’m understanding right. This bevahior is the odd part as the fans should stop when in sleep mode. Try performing an SMC or NVRAM reset.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2018
Your MacBook Pro will never put the fans in idle (0 rpm)

Not exactly. MacBook Pro 15" (!!) 2015 (with HQ CPU) always run fans on 2000rpm at least when it enabled and in idle, but 13" model with U CPU run fans only when there is some activity.

However it seems like your fans are running even when the computer is asleep and with the lid closed, if I’m understanding right.

Yes, the fans is working when lid is closed and laptop is in sleep mode and only when the charger is connected. If I disconnect charger, then fans stopping. When connect again (to the laptop with closed lid) then fans start working again on minimal rpm (I didn't notice it so far.. just occasionally noticed that...)

So, the goal of my topic here is to ask the other people who have the same model: could you please close lid (put your MBP 15 2015 in sleep mode), connect charger and press your ear to the back or laptopsl body and tell me ... Do you notice fans when it sleeping and with charger?


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
Citrus Heights,CA
Not exactly. MacBook Pro 15" (!!) 2015 (with HQ CPU) always run fans on 2000rpm at least when it enabled and in idle, but 13" model with U CPU run fans only when there is some activity.

Yes, the fans is working when lid is closed and laptop is in sleep mode and only when the charger is connected. If I disconnect charger, then fans stopping. When connect again (to the laptop with closed lid) then fans start working again on minimal rpm (I didn't notice it so far.. just occasionally noticed that...)

So, the goal of my topic here is to ask the other people who have the same model: could you please close lid (put your MBP 15 2015 in sleep mode), connect charger and press your ear to the back or laptopsl body and tell me ... Do you notice fans when it sleeping and with charger?

I know that the 15” MBP runs the fans at a constant 2000rpm when idle and that the 13” models actually turn off the fan, which is reflected in my original answer that your computer won’t ever stop the fans to 0rpm while the computer is on since you have a 15” model.

Second, I supplied you some support articles in hopes of fixing your issue and yet your post seems to ignore this and instead asks for other forums users if this behavior is normal. I can easily tell you that this behavior of fans being on while in sleep is not normal, unless of course you have power naps enabled, but I think this feature is only for the T1 and T2 equipped MBPs.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2018
I know that the 15” MBP runs the fans at a constant 2000rpm when idle and that the 13” models actually turn off the fan, which is reflected in my original answer that your computer won’t ever stop the fans to 0rpm while the computer is on since you have a 15” model.

ah yes, may be it's my misunderstanding.

unless of course you have power naps enabled

Power NAP is presented on my laptop likewise and it is disabled by me manually.

Sure, I will try reset CMOS and NVRAM. I did that a month ago when I have reinstalled MacOS. Seems need to try to do that repeatedly. In any way, thank you for information and answer!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2018
Aha.. the issue has been resolved.
I just forgot that I have enabled "Internet Sharing" option in "System Preferences" -> "Sharing".. and that's why laptop wasn't going into sleeping when the charger is connected and the fans continue working.
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