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Yosief Ellaham

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2020
Hi Guys, I have a 2019 MacBook Pro 15" with the latest version of Catalina installed.

My laptop used to be silent and the fan would ramp up with heavy usage, however I installed McAfee and after the install I realized the fan/disk noise never fully went back down, it just stayed constantly running. Even when there is nothing running on the laptop.

I uninstalled the app right away and still had the issue. I've checked the activity monitor to ensure nothing is taking up a high CPU %. I also tried an SMC reset and the NVRAM/PRAM reset, and both haven't worked.

I even erased the SSD and re-installed the MacOS and fan/disk noise still is running. It's not a loud noise, but it's loud enough that you can hear it and it's constant.

Is this a common issue? Is there any fixes?

I would go to an apple store but unfortunately in Canada they're not allowing drop offs or mail ins.

Thanks for the help in Advance!


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
"Is this a common issue? Is there any fixes?"

Try removing the McAfee software and see what happens...

Yosief Ellaham

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2020
I tried too, I even erased the hard drive and installed macOS fresh. Still had the same issue


macrumors regular
Jul 26, 2019
The 15" MBPs always run the fans, even at idle both fans run around 2100rpm. You can barely hear them but they run.
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