So I've got this old MBP for dirt cheap, it's got a faulty airport card and speakers, also I need to get a new battery for it.
So the question is...should I stick to Sierra on it or just go Mavericks or something, from what I can tell I Sierra runs somewhat sluggish. (It came installed with it, the whole unsupported mac installation thing)
I was thinking of going back to Mavericks or should I not ?
Specs : 2.4 C2D ,160 GB HDD, 4GB RAM.
Also is it worth swapping out components which are faulty for new ones and getting a ram and sdd upgrade for such an old machine ?
So I've got this old MBP for dirt cheap, it's got a faulty airport card and speakers, also I need to get a new battery for it.
So the question is...should I stick to Sierra on it or just go Mavericks or something, from what I can tell I Sierra runs somewhat sluggish. (It came installed with it, the whole unsupported mac installation thing)
I was thinking of going back to Mavericks or should I not ?
Specs : 2.4 C2D ,160 GB HDD, 4GB RAM.
Also is it worth swapping out components which are faulty for new ones and getting a ram and sdd upgrade for such an old machine ?