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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 30, 2014
Hi i have a 2014 mid macbook pro 15, i keep the computer very clean and keep it in a very clean studio eneviroment, i hardly ever move it and the most i do move it is from one room to another. Now and then i do take it to my brothers studio he rents on the bus but thats just a 10 minute buss drive, So my computer barely comes in to contact with any danger, is regualy cleaned etc. So anyways my apple warranty is running out on my laptop and due to unexpected financhal struggles i may not be able to reniew the warranty for a further 3 years so decided to check the whole computer today.

Thought id check the screen , so used a bright torch to see if it was in good nick, suprisinly it was not, the screen is all marked up , looks like a greasy liquid kind of look, i have heard that this is some kind of chemical apple put in the 2014 macbooks and under , not sure its not off me. I have like splashes of it all over my screen , looks fine but when the machine is on a white background i can clearly see the dim marks when looking for it. Tried to clean it of with iklear the same stuff i use for my 6s and it just smudges it and makes it worse.

I thought that was bad, next thing i notice is like 10 or 15 tiny little scratchers all over the screen, and some lengthy ones, and now i am very dissapointed, you do not understand how well i keep my living looked after as music producer which is more than half of my income.

Very dissapointed , i can say one thing this did not happen of me so i search it on google, and i see something to do with the particlar of model i have is some kind of fault with the way way apple did these displays. But when i first got my machine i checked it with a torch and it was fine, even tho i regually clean it i never check things like that because i know nothing has happend to it. I only checked today because of my warranty getting close to running out.

I heard something on macroumours about apple doing a programm to replace the screens on these laptops if i find the threead will link it.

Anyone with the same model as mine had any issues.? Thanks
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