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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 25, 2009
I've gotten a macbook pro 16 back in december 2019. long story short, it suffered kernal panics and was kindly replaced by apple 2 months after my 1 year for free from apple in early 2021. (march i think) the first time it was replaced the keyboard had only half part functioning then I was upset about it and Apple replaced the whole bottom instead ( I had terrible customer experience in my country before and Apple knows about it) so I actually asked Apple if I could ask a replacement unit as I felt my unit was further devalued but Apple only said they would only replace the bottom case at best .After 3-4 months, (approx. July) there was a sudden random clicking noise that appeared and random kernel panics (once in a blue moon). I think really think much about it because the machine still worked really well. Fast forward late December onwards the noise became more intermittent and loud (randomly days). I called Apple up in October last year to tell them about the issue and they told me to send it for diagnostic ($50 fee in my country). I only managed to get it sent in last week and got the report back and called Apple today about the issue. long story short it was the same problem with the logic boar., Apple said that I was out of warranty and had to pay to get it replaced myself. I felt it was unfair as I only had the machine replaced less than a year so I wanted to ask for some perspective, should I pay for the repair? Was I wrong for asking them to repair it for free?

Feel free to ask for more if my writing is vague. tq
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