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J InTech82

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2013
So I just received my MacBook Pro 16" this week and I have noticed that when I close the lid and then open it back up the battery will be drained, almost as though the machine never went into a deep sleep. With my 15" MacBook Pro from 2015, I close the lid and it goes into a deep sleep and preserves the battery life from where I'm at. Is there a setting in the new MacBook Pro that I am missing or is this unit faulty or, is this just a design flaw? Thanks in advance!
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macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
Do you have any other problem like kernel panic during wake up? Did you restore from backup?
In general Mac doesn't have sleeping problem so often comparing to Windows which likes to stay awake.
Maybe system goes to sleep but something is using power nap all the time. Let's check it in energy settings. I am not sure but on battery this option should be turned off. Maybe backup is broken and you used it.
At the end you can try SMC reset. It helped me on my previous MBP13 when battery gone crazy.

J InTech82

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2013
No kernel panics, no restore. Everything looks fine in the Energy/Battery settings.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
So power nap is turned off on battery right? That means nothing should use battery during sleep.
Which macOS you have? If it is brand new machine 1-2 days old let's give it few more days to stabilize itself

J InTech82

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2013
So power nap is turned off on battery right? That means nothing should use battery during sleep.
Which macOS you have? If it is brand new machine 1-2 days old let's give it few more days to stabilize itself
Yup Power Nap is turned off. I'm running the latest, 10.15.5. Brand new machine, just got it Thursday.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
You should be happy you don't have any kernel panics. Really. I still have 10.15.3.
Anyway. You can check in console -> system.log what wakes up your machine. That's the first thing.
Maybe this new feature battery health causes problems. Let's try to turn it off. You know sometimes new options from Apple don't work just after release. If after these things you will still have a problem wait few days. Then SMC reset. You can also turned off "allow wake up bluetooth devices" in Bluetooth settings. The last thing you should do is clean install. I won't suggest that just because you don't have kernel panics. Maybe your system is installed 100% perfect. You don't know what happens next time.

J InTech82

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2013
Okay. Thanks for all the suggestions. I will give it all a go and see.

You have kernel panics? I remember getting them all the time back in the early early early days of Mac OS X. My Windows friends would always tease me that I am getting a black screen of death! Or the spinning beach ball, would happen so frequently. Funny thing about that, I was working at Apple prior to the release of Mac OS X and we would call it the spinning beach ball of death and then when I lived in Minnesota and worked at the Apple Store, they would call it that too!


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
Check "kernel panic mbp16" here or apple community. There is group of people who suffer this issue. Like always it doesn't mean that everyone has it. My previous MBP16 had this issue. I returned it and buy new one. We have 14 days return policy for every online purchase. I used it especially that we have only authorized services. Also no Apple store. Only resellers. Official Apple Store in Poland exists online only. In this kind of situation always better to give machine to Apple than authorized place.
Anyway. I don't know what happen after update that's why I still have 10.15.3 and won't go anywhere. It looks like software bug. Especially that every update changes kernel panic behaviors. However no one can be 100% sure until Apple will send any official statement.

J InTech82

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2013
Great, thank you for the advice. Yeah it's a bummer about the Apple Stores. There is one in my town but I am not sure if they are going to be open due to the looting. I always update to the latest and greatest macOS. I shouldn't since I have pro apps on that machine but it's a bad habit I guess and I like to see all the new features (more so with newer OS updates then x.x.x updates.


macrumors regular
Jul 19, 2009
Can you check after you turn ‘Find My Mac’ off? I had a similar issue a while back. I disabled both ‘Handoff’ and ‘FindMyMac’ initially.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
That's the option but Handoff and FindMyMac are very useful. I know that FindMyMac in the past drains battery and there was some special command in terminal to turn it off. Unfortunately I don't remember it now and you have to be careful because new MacBooks have T2 chip and some command could brake whole machine.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2011
I know that FindMyMac in the past drains battery and there was some special command in terminal to turn it off.

You turn off Find My Mac from system preferences > iTunes, no magic required. :)
Can you check the system log, reasons for waking during sleep should be logged.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2015
Issue I mentioned related to find my Mac was easy to fix. Turning off the option wasn’t a solution. Anyway I doubt that find my Mac. It is well working feature right now
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