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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 25, 2020
I have the i9 with 5500M 8GB.

I mostly use it in clamshell mode with an LG 4k monitor connected via Usb-c to Display port adapter.

Whenever I watch a video on the external display in full screen (in clamshell mode) the frame rate of the video very noticeably drops and becomes unwatchable. Happens with Youtube, VLC, IINA, every player I tried. The resolution of the video doesn't matter either. Even if it's just a 480p video the frame rate will drop.

The weird thing is that it only happens in clamshell mode. If I open the display on the laptop and go full screen again on the external monitor everything plays smooth.

Does anyone have the same issue or know what the problem is?

Thanks in advance.
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