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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 29, 2016
Hi everybody , my macbook pro 2011 stoped working today , I was opening a page with my browser and suddenly I got a white screen . I turn off the computer then boot it again but I always got a grey screen .

Then I try with the recovery screen ( comd-r ) , I also try reboot from an external back up and nothing , I can get to the screen where I can see the disk but then nothing , at the moment I launch i got a blue screen with vertical lines .

At this point I don't think that's a software problem , it sound to me like hardware : How do I know if it is becausea disk problem or because the graphic card ?


macrumors 6502a
May 20, 2015
Make a photo of the screen with the lines - just in vase that your MBP will work at the moment you bring it to the apple service. They accept these evidence for exchange of the mainboard.

I'd pref to go to an apple-certifid service than to go to an apple shop withnits " genius" ...pair

The extended repair program is again extnded until Dec. 16th 2016...
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