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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 20, 2015
Has anyone experienced this? I swapped the HD out of my iMac to my Macbook Pro. Both systems were running at a good speed prior. Once I did the swap, I noticed the Macbook was running slower (more color pinwheels, slower speeds trying to complete tasks, etc). Would it be a good thing to do a fresh install of OS?


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Has anyone experienced this? I swapped the HD out of my iMac to my Macbook Pro. Both systems were running at a good speed prior. Once I did the swap, I noticed the Macbook was running slower (more color pinwheels, slower speeds trying to complete tasks, etc). Would it be a good thing to do a fresh install of OS?

Likely HDD SATA cable is on its way out. It's a very common fault on your model. Quite a cheap part to source and very quick repair. Ensure it's a brand-new genuine part rather than a refurb though.

If you haven't already, I'd recommend swapping with an SSD. Even with a fresh HD/OS install, the newer OSs don't run that well on a spinning drive.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
keys' suggestion about the cable is good advice.
You can test this by connecting the original HDD via USB, and booting that way.
Do you get a reasonably good bootup and performance afterwards?

You should have bought a new SSD and put that into it, instead.
Will make A WORLD of difference.
You won't understand until you do it!
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