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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2018
I've had my macbook for about 3 years now, and it often crashes while I'm streaming video. There are no error reports, and usually not even a crash report when I turn it back on, I just get a white screen and the fan goes crazy. This had happened before a year or so again, and resetting the PRAM and resetting the SMC fixed it for a while, but it is happening again and those solutions haven't worked. I took off the back and blew all the dust out of it (my warranty had long been expired) but that didn't seem to help.

The computer crashes when I use YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, iMovie, Photoshop, and occasionally Spotify. Oddly enough it doesn't crash when I play the Sims. If I am just doing homework or browsing the internet it usually works just fine. I've also scanned for viruses and cleaned my computer in that sense and the problem persists. Does anyone know a fix, or even what might be wrong?


crash 2.jpg
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