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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 9, 2015
Hello guys,

is this really normal going from 70% to 20% in just an hour while doing mostly safari and MS excel, Apple's number stuff? Also safari without any videos whatsoever.

Is my MacBook a faulty piece or is anybody experiencing the same huge drain as I do?

Thank you.

Edit: I have iStat Menus and in the new version you can see how many Watts does your computer really consume and it's around 20 for me all the time, also "Apps using significant amount of energy" states only Safari altgough nothing intensive is going on.

But I have 34 tabs open, could that be an issue?

Edit 2:
Design capacity: 4315 mAh
Current capacity: 4113 mAh
Health: 95%
Condition: normal


macrumors 68000
Aug 31, 2009
England, UK
Try closing, say, 30 of those tabs and see if your battery life improves. That'll answer your question regarding the tabs.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 9, 2015
Okay, I tried but it seems like it helped only a bit. Nothing significant. Also I've just restarted so I only have Safari opened and it's still the same..


macrumors 68000
Aug 31, 2009
England, UK
It’s not normal, no. I tend to get 5-6 hours of a moderate workload.

You mentioned iStat - remember, the more unnecessary utilities you install, the faster your battery will drain.

I’d take it to Apple if you’re really concerned. Although things are pointing to this issue being software related, they might reinstall MacOS etc.


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
Alternatively, before reinstalling the entire OS, you could try disabling startup items, taking a look at your launchd folders, and booting into safemode to see if the issues continue. Are you running the latest version of Sierra or High Sierra?


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
Depends what you are doing in those tabs. What does the Activity Monitor show as far as CPU usage.

Also, what is screen brightness. You turn it way up an it is going to eat the battery.
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