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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
Update: Swapped it a second time – on my 3rd device now and the spacebar works perfectly this time around. Thanksforyourinput (jk)!

I picked up the new MacBook Pro 2016 model (15 in, Touch Bar) at Saturday. I felt something was clearly off with the spacebar and got it replaced with a new unit today. To my surprise and misfortune this new unit has the exact same issue with the spacebar --- being sticky/spongy in the right side and only registering clicks every third time or so.

So, 2/2 machines I've tested had this issue. Is this normal behaviour with these new machines or should I keep swapping it until I get a functioning unit? sigh

I recorded a quick video demonstrating the issue.
Turn up your volume and notice the major difference between clicking the left and right side.
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macrumors 68040
Nov 30, 2012
That's clearly a problem, hope Apple see's your video.

The first 15" 2016 MBP I had did not have this issue with the spacebar it worked perfectly, however the 2nd one I got had issues with the spacebar, it was very spongy and did not feel the same on each side, it was almost like it was loose or wobbly. I didn't like it, it's a key you use all the time.

I've got another 15" 2016 MBP refurb coming this Tues so I'm praying I'll have no issues with the keyboard. They say 3rd times a charm, right?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 31, 2015
Does this effect usability at all? Seems like something that's a bother in the first few days/weeks of ownership and is totally forgotten by month two. At least, that's how I've always been with my electronics...


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
May as well add that there are threads about this kind of thing, including for the space bar. Might want to check them out. Not normal, but not rare either.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
Does this effect usability at all? Seems like something that's a bother in the first few days/weeks of ownership and is totally forgotten by month two. At least, that's how I've always been with my electronics...

It is super frustrating.
I seem to use the spacebar mostly in the right area normally so it's definitely going to be a bother in the long run as well.

Secondly, it's a $2500 premium device. Hiccups like this shouldn't be there in the first place - this is due to poor quality control at Apple.
That's clearly a problem, hope Apple see's your video.

The first 15" 2016 MBP I had did not have this issue with the spacebar it worked perfectly, however the 2nd one I got had issues with the spacebar, it was very spongy and did not feel the same on each side, it was almost like it was loose or wobbly. I didn't like it, it's a key you use all the time.

I've got another 15" 2016 MBP refurb coming this Tues so I'm praying I'll have no issues with the keyboard. They say 3rd times a charm, right?

One can only hope!

If possible at all I'd like to hear back from you when your third unit comes around.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2016
The Netherlands
Bring it back. That's the only possible response to this.

In my experience, the keyboard is the weakest link of the 2016 MBP. There's a couple of topics about failing keys, each with a couple of dozens of posters. It's not an all-encompassing problem with this model, but it's a known problem for sure.


macrumors Core
Oct 14, 2008
My keyboard has this too :) Just discovered it this morning. Doesn't really affect the usability for me, but is certainly annoying.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
My keyboard has this too :) Just discovered it this morning. Doesn't really affect the usability for me, but is certainly annoying.

Ugh, annoyed to hear that!

Call me sensitive, but a $2500+ device should in my opinion never have issues like this. Personally, I will go down to the shop today for a third time and request a swap.
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macrumors 68040
Nov 30, 2012
Ugh, annoyed to hear that!

Call me sensitive, but a $2500+ device should in my opinion never have issues like this. Personally, I will go down to the shop today for a third time and request a swap.
Let us know how it goes at the store.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2002
bat country
I had EXACTLY this problem with my machine and it was the main reason I returned it (although there were other issues as well).

At first I thought I just had to get used to the new keyboard, but after about 2 days, I realized that not only was the rightmost 20% or so of the spacebar dead, but that's the only place I seem to tap the spacebar. Changing my typing style to accommodate a manufacturing error didn't seem like a reasonable compromise to me.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
I had EXACTLY this problem with my machine and it was the main reason I returned it (although there were other issues as well).

At first I thought I just had to get used to the new keyboard, but after about 2 days, I realized that not only was the rightmost 20% or so of the spacebar dead, but that's the only place I seem to tap the spacebar. Changing my typing style to accommodate a manufacturing error didn't seem like a reasonable compromise to me.

Positive (for me) to hear that you had similar problem, and I'm not just confusing myself.

So your replacement model is A-OK?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2002
bat country
I didn't get a replacement. Mine was a BTO and I picked it up while I was in the states for a couple of weeks (if you think they're expensive in America, try buying a MacBook in Europe). There wasn't enough time to get the specs I wanted, so I just returned it and went back to my '13 Air.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
I didn't get a replacement. Mine was a BTO and I picked it up while I was in the states for a couple of weeks (if you think they're expensive in America, try buying a MacBook in Europe). There wasn't enough time to get the specs I wanted, so I just returned it and went back to my '13 Air.

I am americanising currency and the like to be more 'international community'-friendly, but I actually live in Europe and bought it here so I get you!
Let us know how it goes at the store.

Swapped it a second time and the 3rd device is working like charm. Spacebar clicks nice and evenly this time around. Thanks for convincing me further to get it replaced!


macrumors member
Jan 13, 2011
Katy, TX
I have the same problem but on the left side of the spacebar. To get around it, I have adjusted my typing behavior to hit the spacebar a few more millimeters towards the center. I actually like the new keyboard, so the adjustment was worth the tradeoff. :)
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macrumors member
May 20, 2016
After five months I am having this issue where the right side space bar is just like the video. Frustrating, but I will use the other parts of the spacebar until they also deteriorate.


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2016
Sorry to bring an old thread back. Im getting the same issue on my 2016 TB 15".

Have any of you after months went back to apple and got a replacement/fix?


macrumors member
May 20, 2016
I now use an air compressor to blast the keyboard keys and it seems to work. The keyboard fowls very easily. Try blasting it

This is a recurrent issue. Lately the USB-C ports are having connection problems unless held perfectly.
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macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2016
I now use an air compressor to blast the keyboard keys and it seems to work. The keyboard fowls very easily. Try blasting it

This is a recurrent issue. Lately the USB-C ports are having connection problems unless held perfectly.

Interesting, thanks! I'll be sure to give that ago. I do notice the space bar is a little on and off. ATM working fine.


macrumors newbie
Aug 31, 2017
I've had the sameissue and tried to fix it bymyself – ****ing big mistake, don't try to do this – you'll break ****.
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