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Mr Badger

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 15, 2007

Is anybody else experiencing issues with connecting these two devices?

I have a MBP 2017 (2.9 GHz, Radeon Pro 560) and an Apple Cinema Display 24". I've now bought and tried four USB C to Mini Display Port (Mini DP) adapters and I get exactly the same results - which would appear to rule out a faulty adapter.

When connecting the USB C to Mini Display Port adapters the MBP recognises there's an external display connected but I get a tiny initial flash of data on the Cinema Display and then it goes black. When the screen goes black the MBP still recognises there's an external monitor attached.

Across all four adapters I've tried the same set of tests with and without the MBP USB C power adapter plugged in and across all four of the MBP's USB C port. I've tried the same set of connection orders; plug in the the MBP first and the Cinema Display second and vis versa.

The Cinema Display is working fine with my MBP 2011 with native it's not the display. I've connected an HDMI external display and this works fine on all four ports, however, on one port the it doesn't work when the MBP power adapter isn't plugged in.

I've been up to level two support with Apple and they've taken me through a slew of tests and potential fixes, but no joy. Their advice was to try and test the same set up with an identical MBP, which isn't possible because all of my local retailers don't feature my spec of MBP as their display model.

I'm really only left with having it replaced but that's a real ball ache transferring all my data and having to reinstall all my applications that don't work when included in part of the backup and Migration process.

I also work on my MBP 7 days a week and am out on a limb for the 48-72 hours it takes to send my MBP back and get a new one back. before I do this I'm trying to find anyone who has experienced this problem and who has found a fix.

Any thoughts anyone?


Mr B


macrumors G4
You could clone your drive to save the hassle of needing to reload everything. Try Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper,, both being excellent backup solutions.

The dongle solution is too hit and miss for my liking, seen multiple similar issues with a Retina MacBook. For my primary notebook I want and expect all the relevant ports built directly into the computer, not this half assed solution that the vast majority of business are not ready for.

USB data is generally ok, display devices just no, simply comes down to the roll of the dice. Had some success with plugging in the dongles in a specific order, equally that gets old fast.

Really preferred Apple with the just work's premise, not the let's put thinner & lighter above every other aspect of the notebook...

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