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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2011
I was just getting around to update to 10.12.4, and left the MBP to do its job. While the software update was doing its work on the reboot, at the "8 minutes left" mark, the monitor suddenly turned off, and the sleep light started to strobe rapidly, shortly followed by a high pitched beep sound for 4 seconds. After this, the monitor turned on again to the Apple logo, albeit with a much more wider and thicker progress bar. The laptop at this time was also extremely hot to the touch.

After this unusual activity, it booted up fine again, albeit a much slower boot time then usual. Then the laptop started to face extreme slowdowns after login, with Safari unable to take more then 3 tabs without facing massive slowdowns, let alone multiple programs.

This hasn't been the first time this kind of activity has occurred. While not during an update, the MBP also was randomly overheating in a bag, and made the same kind of beeping noise, albeit without the strobing sleeping light, AFAIK. It also followed with extreme slowdowns. However, I have given the laptop a clean format after that incident, and yet today, a similar incident happened.

Kind of confused over what my options are here right now, thought a clean format would solve the issues before, but now it seems like the MBP is not doing well again. Is there a big problem that you can see from this description, and so, is there anything I can do to fix it?

For reference, here is a link to the specs of the laptop in question.

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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2011
Ran it the first time, when it overheated in the bag. No errors were found.
I'll try running it again.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2011
Ran 3 passes of the extended testing, and no issues were found.
Also, in regards to the beeping, I think it was the "One long tone while you hold down the power button" one. Not 100% sure, but it did have that progress bar that the page described.
The one before that (MBP inside the bag), however, was the "Three successive tones", I believe.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
Sounds like the EFI ROM is having issues. Could be there was an update for it in the latest OS that doesn't agree with your machine (you're on the edge of compatibility). You could take it to the Apple Store for free diagnosis. Might be the simplest option.
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