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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 20, 2013
United States

Before this, I had the infamous red light in the headphone jack issue, got a pen and managed to clean out the dust.

At this point, I've done everything there is to do: Reset SMC, reset PRAM, etc.

I had the same issue with my iPhone 5, but that resolved itself. This unfortunately isn't.

Is it my logic board? Or something entirely different?

Any and ALL help will be very much appreciated. (I'm aware I made another thread with the red light problem, but now since I'm getting something else and could list more information, I decided to just make another thread. Roll with it, okay?)
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2009
Could be a software glitch. have you tried plugging and unplugging headphones into the machine several times?


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2009
I'm probably the only one on this forum who'll say this, but...

Yeah, I don't have any headphones.

Really? do you have external speakers or anything you can plug in? also try blowing out the port maybe something got stuck in there. if its hardware, is your computer still under apple warranty?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 20, 2013
United States
Really? do you have external speakers or anything you can plug in?

Yeah, sadly no. I don't have any need for buying anything like that when I have built-in speakers.

also try blowing out the port maybe something got stuck in there.

Yeah, I tried blowing into the port multiple times. And when I inspect it using my iPhone 5's control center flashlight, it doesn't look like anything is in there.

if its hardware, is your computer still under apple warranty?

Looked that up earlier, here's what it said.

"Repairs and Service Coverage: Expired
Our records indicate that your product is not covered under Apple's 1-year limited warranty or AppleCare Protection Plan for hardware repairs and service based on the estimated expiration date."

Comments in bold.


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2009
that sucks I would take it to an apple store if there is one near you they should still tell you whats wrong with it and offer to fix it for a fee. but I would shop around after they tell you whats wrong with it and call local repair places.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 20, 2013
United States
that sucks I would take it to an apple store if there is one near you they should still tell you whats wrong with it and offer to fix it for a fee. but I would shop around after they tell you whats wrong with it and call local repair places.

Looked one up on Google, that'd be a 96.4 mile long drive.


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2009
Looked one up on Google, that'd be a 96.4 mile long drive.

computer repair store is your next best thing but they will charge you to look at it usually. I had this problem with my MBA once and all i did was plug and unplug my headphones in and it fixed itself.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 20, 2013
United States
computer repair store is your next best thing but they will charge you to look at it usually. I had this problem with my MBA once and all i did was plug and unplug my headphones in and it fixed itself.

I wonder if I should go to Best Buy, and purchase the cheapest headphones there and hope that works.


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
...Yeah, sadly no. I don't have any need for buying anything like that when I have built-in speakers.

There's an answer for that:
Your Audio-out port, under certain conditions, may be mechanically stuck.
One method to free that, is to try a matching plug (headphones, or other device with a standard mini plug.) A few reseats of the plug in your jack may un-seat that port, and bring it back to normal operation. It's easy to do, and worth trying if it fixes your problem, as it commonly will be successful.
(caveat - as with any such mechanical problem, it's also possible that's not a fix, but still too easy to ignore completely :D )
Borrow some headphones, just to test.
Or (even if you never use them for their intended use) purchase a cheap set just to use the plug. Here's one:
Or, you could go to your local Radio Shack, and purchase just a 1/8-inch mini plug, to keep in your toolbox for just such a purpose. Probably less than 2 bucks...
And, as you have Soundflower installed, you COULD also uninstall Soundflower just as a test, or at least make sure that your version is up-to-date.

Yoshi Yogurt

macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2010
That happened to me once, I solved it plugging and unplugging a headphone.

Get one and try, really, that will solve it.

Apparently he is one of the 4 owners of both an iphone and macbook with no headphones...

How do you listen to music??? The whole point of originally gettin a freakin iphone was the built in music player....


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand
Apparently he is one of the 4 owners of both an iphone and macbook with no headphones...

How do you listen to music??? The whole point of originally gettin a freakin iphone was the built in music player....

What? No it wasn't. It was to make and receive phone calls, send texts, web browse and use a lot of other 3rd party apps.

If you buy an iPhone just to listen to music then I don't know what to say you.

Yoshi Yogurt

macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2010
What? No it wasn't. It was to make and receive phone calls, send texts, web browse and use a lot of other 3rd party apps.

If you buy an iPhone just to listen to music then I don't know what to say you.


For me, when I decided over an android, it was the great music player and ability to easily sync with itunes/ Of course, iOS 7 has a completely garbage music player so that doesn't even matter anymore.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 20, 2013
United States
What? No it wasn't. It was to make and receive phone calls, send texts, web browse and use a lot of other 3rd party apps.

If you buy an iPhone just to listen to music then I don't know what to say you.


So I went to Best Buy and bought some cheap headphones, plugged it in and out a bit and it fixed the problem.

Thank god for Macrumors. Thanks for the help, everyone.


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2014
New Zealand

For me, when I decided over an android, it was the great music player and ability to easily sync with itunes/ Of course, iOS 7 has a completely garbage music player so that doesn't even matter anymore.

Ummm sorry but the music player on iOS is hardly special LOL!
So what if all other phones do that? Are you that narcissist that you want a special phone?
What a ridiculous reason to choose iOS over Android but like they say one man's trash...

Yoshi Yogurt

macrumors regular
Nov 5, 2010
Ummm sorry but the music player on iOS is hardly special LOL!
So what if all other phones do that? Are you that narcissist that you want a special phone?
What a ridiculous reason to choose iOS over Android but like they say one man's trash...

Why are you even on macrumors if you have a problem with people who like iphones?
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