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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 8, 2011
Florida USA
Good day.

I am a 3D modeler and wanted to work on a Macbook Pro (2011) box in a Maxon Cinema 4D 3D environment. However, I do not own a Macbook Pro until January so I do not have an actual box.

I wanted to see if someone could help me by providing hi-reso images of the actual box from different views (front, back, sides, top, bottom). I would also need the measurements of each of those sides.

In exchange I will give you credit along with me on the project. Ultimately persons who download the work file will be able to rotate the box in 3 dimensional space and actually render out image snapshots or animations.

If interested in helping me:, otherwise I will just wait until January when I finally purchase a 17" Pro.


PS: the online box shots are not good for this project
I have a 15" MBP. The box is 16" x 11 5/8" x 2 3/4". I am no photographer, but I am uploading some pictures now that hopefully will help you out.

Not sure if these are good enough to be any good for you or not:

I think I can work off of those...I will just need to fix the lens warp in Photoshop but they should do just fine. I need them only for reference. Thank you kindly and I can keep you posted on the progress...just email me at some point.
to jjk454ss 12 11 11 - Stage 1

Hopefully this link works....

You can see my project updates here...I've posted some 'stage 1' renders. I was able to fix the lens warping in your images...worked out fine for reference points. Send me your 'credit' info, once I post the final product public I can add you to the master file (
Macbook Pro 2011 3D Environment Design Final

(hopefully this shows above)

Here is the final 'quick' version of the 3d box project. I half my Sunday today working on this. The thing I enjoy most about design are the problems one comes across during the process. Designing is 50% troubleshooting...solving problems you come across.

Thanks for the images jjk454ss, email me so I can send you a copy of the master file.
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