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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 27, 2006
For all us lazy chaps who dotn like to spend 30 min searching the foprums for scatterd solutions im goign to make this thread to list every known working solution to fix the ehat problem, to start things out:

1.Reapply thermal paste

if anyone has anything that doesnt requre taking apart the computer please post or link!
Well, in some cases:

2) Make sure you have the latest firmware.

3) Try resetting the PMU. (Turn off MacBook, unplug wall adapter, take out battery, hold down power button for 5 seconds. Then put everything back together and start up again.)

3) Get the thing up off your lap or other soft surface--modern notebooks are called that by the manufacturers for a reason, since they just plain tend to get hot. Using one of the many stands that gives some airspace under the computer is one options, some "use in bag" MacBook cases have feet that give some airspace underneath, or you can just use a cheapie wire shelf from KMart that lifts the 'Book up off your lap a couple inches and provides plenty of airflow. There are also thin $20-30 USB-powered fan stands that actively circulate air underneath--if you don't mind the bit of noise and use your 'Book plugged in most of the time, this is the best solution.
heat problem

5) open the case, and solder a small variable resistor across the pins of the heat sensor. Ive not tried this yet so i dont know he resistance of the thermistor or therefore the resistor you would need, but this would make it think the laptop is hotter than it realy is and turn the fan on more often.
sit by an air vent while the air conditioner is on.

seriously, if you're not able to reapply the paste, use a cooling pad
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