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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 7, 2022
Macbook running 12.6.3 but this has been a problem forever. Did a full reinstall and had the same experience.

Using a USB-C cable, I directly plug in a phone or a battery pack into my Macbook which is 1) fully charged and 2) plugged into the wall.

The MacBook says "hey, a cell phone? I better pull power off of this as fast as I can."

(It sucks to plug in a phone that needs a fast charge because I'm leaving for an appointment in 20 minutes only to discover it has done a *fast discharge* during all that time.)

Sometimes I can turn this off on the other device. Other devices without a UI cannot have this changed and just sit there losing their charge.

How in the world can I stop this on the MacBook side?

MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018)


macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
Interesting info. I’ve never heard of that UI. It doesn’t sound like something Apple would do. Can you post a screenshot?
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macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
If you know this happens, why not use a different method for charging your device? (ignore the MBPro for charging devices)

Have you tried other cables? Tested different USB-C ports on your MBPRo?

And, this might be a good question to ask at an Apple store (where someone else can "touch and test" your MBPro.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 7, 2022
so you basically want the Mac to be a passthrough?

I plug things into my computers all the time to charge them. It has worked this way for nearly 20 years. Only with USB-C on a MacBook does it decide to do the exact opposite.

Interesting info. I’ve never heard of that UI. It doesn’t sound like something Apple would do. Can you post a screenshot?

Here is what it looks like on an Android phone. (And, yes, I've attempted to turn over control to "connected device" and it fails.)


  • charging.jpg
    85.4 KB · Views: 51
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