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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 14, 2020
I've picked up new MBP M1 as a second MBP. I still rely on my MBP 16 for the work, but I wanted to try to set up all tools I need for work and test it to see how troublesome this transition will be. As a bit of context, I use lots of developer tools (coding, compilers, latex...).
There are few issues so far:

- I had a problem with external monitor (LG 27uk650). Every time Mac went to sleep and then waked up it wouldn't turn on an external monitor. Reconnecting to the same port didn't work, so the only solution was to switch to the other port.
I have installed latest Big Sur public beta and that seemed to solve this issue.

- Side-car doesn't work - I tried everything suggested for this issue (first connecting iPad via bluetooth), but nothing worked.
Is there anyone that had this issue and managed to solve it?

- Rosetta 2 issues with some niche compiler tools - some tools I use for the work depend on some custom clang compiler. I have compiled it on Intel Mac and then try to install it on M1 MBP (Rosetta 2 Terminal). When run it reports "Fails pinning to CPU". The tool depends on Xcode 11.5 (does not work with later one). I am not sure how to investigate this or similar issues since Rosetta 2 is pretty opaque.
Surely troubles with this kind of tools/compilers (that have lots of dependencies) could've been expected - is there any resources/forums for this? Something like M1 for developers (but not only App Store developers).

These issues aside, M1 has excellent performance - cooler didn't kick off virtually once. The keyboard is just slighly warm even when MBP is under heavy load. Given this has been a serious issue with Intel-based MacBooks, this is my my biggest impression.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 22, 2012
sidecar didn't work for me either. The fix I found was signing out of iCloud on the iPad and then back in. I am very impressed with how sidecar works and how smooth it is on my base MBA.


macrumors G3
Jun 24, 2010
Sidecare works for me on my base MBA. I just select iPad screen and boom! It’s there.
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