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macrumors regular
Original poster
I got recently new MBP M1. The device is great but upon connecting it to my external display (old Gateway FHD2400, 24", 1920x1200) the picture is illegible (looks like it's out of phase, pixelated and with green-ish tint). The same monitor works great with my previous MBP (15" early 2013, retina) and new MBP M1 works with two LCD TV sets I tried. I tried different HDMI cable to no use - same effect. I tried external HUB (usb-c - hdmi) but same issue. It happens even in "alternative boot options" screen (if you hold power button for 10 seconds).

This is how it looks:

It looks like MBP tries to push resolution 2400x1200 while the monitor's native is 1920x1200. Changing resolution in preferences doesn't seem to do anything.

Any other suggestions I may try?
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