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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 15, 2017
Hello everyone,

I have a 15inch 2015 MacBook pro, MJLTHN/A.

I used to use it with a 3.5mm jack splitter that allowed me to plug in a separate mic and a separate pair of earphones.

I didn't use it for 2-3 months. I had lost the splitter and didn't bother to find it.

I ordered a new splitter and it suddenly didn't work.

Few days later I found the old splitter and it doesn't work now.

I tried the mic on an old windows laptop with a single mic in and the mic is working fine. I am not sure why it doesn't work on my MacBook anymore though. can anyone help?

NOTE: both the splitters aren't working on a hybrid jack on another windows laptop I own.
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