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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2021

So in 2018 I've bought a new MBP 15", base model. After a bit short of 4 years, I am thinking of replacing it, as it cannot handle some apps I am using and the battery dies after 2 hours. I am thinking of buying a 16" MBP M1 Pro with 1TB SSD and 32GB RAM. I am using it mainly for university; I often times have multiple up to 1GB pdf textbooks open at once, between which I have to switch all the time, searching within them (my current mac crashes when doing this), I often use advanced 3D models of human anatomy (current one is laggy and crashes after I add too many tissues), 50+ tabs open on Safari etc.
I would like to ask whether you think the new 16" MBP with M1 Pro/32GB RAM/1TB SSD will handle well these tasks well and whether it could serve me more than just 3-4 years?

Thank you guys in advance for your help!!


macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2020
SF Bay Area
I have a base 14", and I think what you have picked would be a great choice.

14" vs 16" is a personal choice: portability vs screen size+battery life. The 16" is substantially heavier, but only you can decide.


May 13, 2010
I would like to ask whether you think the new 16" MBP with M1 Pro/32GB RAM/1TB SSD will handle well these tasks well and whether it could serve me more than just 3-4 years?

Thank you guys in advance for your help!!

For your title: The most future-proof config is the one that is to come next year. This holds for every time you want to buy.

For the quoted: That machine is going to last you longer than 3-4 years. 3-4 years is the time when new hardware and software features might start to give you the upgrade itch but your machine will still be working merrily. These M-series chips are immensely powerful.


Since you mention 3D anatomy, I would recommend getting the M1 Max for its added GPU cores and extra bandwidth that will help you with all of that and if you can, get the 64 GB RAM while you are at it.
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