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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 9, 2017
So, I got the HDMI multi port adapter yesterday, hooked it up, and everything looked fine, except it got really warm (not hot) few times.

Today I decided to unplug USB-C power from adapter (mainly battery reasons), and noticed that whenever I close the lid adapter stops sending video signal. At first I thought it's my monitor, but than I connected it to my TV, and I got the same problem. I close the lid and picture goes away (sometimes immediately, sometimes after 10-15 seconds).

Is my adapter faulty?

Here's a video I made:

0:00 Adapter connected to power and HDMI connected to my monitor - everything works fine
0:35 I disconnect the power and close the lid - picture goes away, no HDMI signal
1:15 I reconnect the power and close the lid - everything works fine
1:47 I connect HDMI to my TV and power is hooked, close the lid - everything works fine
2:23 I disconnect the power and close the lid - picture goes away after 15 seconds, no HDMI signal
2:57 I open the lid - HDMI signal is back on TV
3:15 I reconnect the power - adapter refuses to send HDMI signal

I tried with multiple cables and multiple combinations, no luck.

I could swear it worked yesterday as intended (closing the lid without power would still give the picture), but honestly I'm not sure, I was to excited setting up things :D

edit: Forgot to mention I'm running 10.12.3 and I have updated adapter firmware on the first connection.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 26, 2013
When no power cable is connected and you close the lid, laptop goes to sleep mode, if Im not mistaken.


macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2012
When no power cable is connected and you close the lid, laptop goes to sleep mode, if Im not mistaken.
I think his issues occurs at:
  • 0:35 when closing the lid w/o power causes his monitor to lose the HDMI signal
  • 2:23 when closing the lid w/o power causes his TV to lose the HDMI signal after 15 seconds
  • 3:15 when connecting the power adapter to the open MBP connected to the TV will cause the TV to lose the HDMI signal
I don't have a solution, but I tried your scenarios with my nTB MBP. I unplugged the power from the Apple Multiport Adapter and closed my MBP, and my monitor stays on and shows the macOS desktop.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2012
Tried various combinations of connecting and disconnecting, and this is what happened in the order it occurred:
  1. Monitor and power connected - closed lid and monitor stays on
  2. Monitor connected and power disconnected - closed lid and monitor sleeps
  3. Monitor and power connected again - closed lid and monitor stays on
  4. Monitor connected and power disconnected - closed lid and monitor stays on (repeat open/close 2-3 times, same result)
  5. Monitor connected - reconnect power with MBP on and monitor sleeps
This is basically exactly what happened to you, and I still have no explanation.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 27, 2012
Yeah, that's it. I don't get it either.

BTW, thank you for testing!
Something is definitely weird with this Apple Multiport Adapter. I never experienced what happened to you because it just wasn't how I have everything set up. But something else is acting strange.

Normally, I have my monitor on (but it's sleeping) and everything connected to the multiport adapter, and I just plug it in when I get to my desk, and everything comes on. But recently, I went to turn off my monitor via the power button, but that didn't bring all my windows back to the main desktop on the MBP. It's as if I still had a desktop on the monitor even though it was off. Weird thing was when I unplugged the HDMI (from the adapter or the monitor) while the monitor was off, it brought all my windows back to the desktop on the MPB. Is this happening to you, too?
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