Hello everyone. I was wondering if I should get either the MacBook Pro 15" High-End model or the Mac Pro. I don't need the best processor speeds, I only need to run Mac Software and be able to play games in BootCamp, so suggesting a windows PC/Laptop won't be helpful. I have considered Hackintosh, but in the end it doesn't seem worth it to fiddle around with everything just make basic things work.
I plan on using iMovie, Garage Band, FCP, and Logic. I also intend on gaming, mainly Starcraft II, TOR (when it comes out), Mass Effect, and some other games. I like the expandibility of the Mac Pro, but I am confused if I can just upgrade any Mac Pro model with a GPU from Apple? Or do some Mac Pro's not support the GPU's you can buy from Apple? Thank you!
I plan on using iMovie, Garage Band, FCP, and Logic. I also intend on gaming, mainly Starcraft II, TOR (when it comes out), Mass Effect, and some other games. I like the expandibility of the Mac Pro, but I am confused if I can just upgrade any Mac Pro model with a GPU from Apple? Or do some Mac Pro's not support the GPU's you can buy from Apple? Thank you!