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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 3, 2017
My macbook pro (mid 2012) stopped working a few weeks ago after 2 days of it being really slow. I unplugged the internal battery, and kept resetting the smc and nvram until i finally got it to turn on. The display however did not work, and the fans were running at full speed. I eventually figured out that if i boot the mac up (despite no display, I hear the chime on start up, and the keyboard lights turn on after a minute), then shut the display, within 5 minutes the computer goes to sleep. Once the fans turn off, i realize it went to sleep, and when i open the display, the screen turns on, and i am then able to login. I then found out the laptop was still really slow, and the reason is because of kernel-task, which was using over 300% of the cpu. I found a fix for that, but i have to type csrutil disable in a terminal in recovery mode as the first step for the kernel_task fix, which might be impossible... (The display only works after waking up from sleep, and im not able to let the computer go to sleep in recovery mode)

Can anyone please help me? This laptop has never been dropped, no water damage, idk what is wrong. The warranty is up and the apple store said i needed to pay $575 for a repair. They thought it was the logic board, and that my laptop would need a new one. This was all before i got the laptop to even turn on, so idk if their opinion will change. Regardless, i'm a poor college student and can't afford paying another several hundred bucks on a >$1000 laptop.
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