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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 23, 2018
My new 2018 Macbook Pro (MacBookPro15,1 & macOS 10.14.2 (18C54)), while waking up after a standby (or hibernate), automatically restarts (rather than resuming from sleep.) This happens intermittently.

When this happens `log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 2h`shows the following error -

"kernel: (AppleSMC) Previous shutdown cause: -63"

My `pmset -g` shows

System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
standbydelaylow 1800
standby 1
halfdim 1
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
proximitywake 0
powernap 0
gpuswitch 2
disksleep 10
standbydelayhigh 3600
sleep 10
hibernatemode 25
ttyskeepawake 1
displaysleep 2
tcpkeepalive 1
highstandbythreshold 50
acwake 0
lidwake 1

Called Apple Support - They helped me do a SMC, PRAM & NVRAM reset and also do a Disk repair using Disk Utility. That didn't help though.

Any one seen this before?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 23, 2018
Ummm... sounds kinda like all the reports in this thread

Do you see any Kernel Panics reported? Look here to see how to find em

Hmm... looks very similar. Thank you. I could find a few crash logs all with iBridge2,3

{"caused_by":"macos","macos_system_state":"running","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Bridge OS 3.1 (16P1065)","timestamp":"2018-12-10 16:34:23.27 +0000","incident_id":"98F53DBC-AAB7-419E-BC1D-07BADB46B0A1"}
"build" : "Bridge OS 3.1 (16P1065)",
"product" : "iBridge2,3",
"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Fri Oct 5 20:16:59 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4903.221.2~4\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010",
"incident" : "98F53DBC-AAB7-419E-BC1D-07BADB46B0A1",
"crashReporterKey" : "c0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0dec0de0001",
"date" : "2018-12-10 16:34:23.07 +0000",
"panicString" : "panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff013add9f4): x86 CPU CATERR detected\nDebugger message: panic\nMemory ID: 0x6\nOS version: 16P1065\nKernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Fri Oct 5 20:16:59 PDT 2018; root:xnu-4903.221.2~4\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010\nKernelCache UUID: 00F7718F1419E14BDA22E2A2F8950DEC\nKernel UUID: 99D1A06F-D403-3820-A3F6-A503CBA45A9B\niBoot version: iBoot-4513.220.97\nsecure boot?: YES\nx86 EFI Boot State: 0x16\nx86 System State: 0x0\nx86 Power State: 0x0\nx86 Shutdown Cause: 0x5\nx86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x304050400\nPCIeUp link state: 0x89271614\nPaniclog version: 11\nKernel slide: 0x000000000d400000\nKernel text base: 0xfffffff014404000\nEpoch Time: sec usec\n Boot : 0x5c0e4aee 0x0006c63f\n Sleep : 0x5c0e94da 0x00073646\n Wake : 0x5c0e9513 0x000ae273\n Calendar: 0x5c0e9571 0x000a16c1\n\nPanicked task 0xffffffe0004f10e0: 3346 pages, 207 threads: pid 0: kernel_task\nPanicked thread: 0xffffffe00081ca60, backtrace: 0xffffffe0112eb530, tid: 379\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff0146010c0 fp: 0xffffffe0112eb670\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff0144dd610 fp: 0xffffffe0112eb680\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff014511cf0 fp: 0xffffffe0112eb9f0\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff014512068 fp: 0xffffffe0112eba30\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff014513ca0 fp: 0xffffffe0112eba50\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff013add9f4 fp: 0xffffffe0112ebac0\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff013adfe7c fp: 0xffffffe0112ebb60\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff013add1c0 fp: 0xffffffe0112ebbe0\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff013a96ab0 fp: 0xffffffe0112ebc10\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff01499c09c fp: 0xffffffe0112ebc50\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff01499b904 fp: 0xffffffe0112ebc90\n\t\t lr: 0xfffffff0144e8614 fp: 0x0000000000000000\n\n",
"panicFlags" : "0x102",
"otherString" : "\n** Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 102448 **\n",
"macOSPanicFlags" : "0x0",
"macOSPanicString" : "BAD MAGIC! (flag set in iBoot panic header), no macOS panic log available",
"memoryStatus" : {"compressorSize":0,"compressions":0,"decompressions":0,"busyBufferCount":0,"pageSize":16384,"memoryPressure":false,"memoryPages":{"active":7237,"throttled":0,"fileBacked":10795,"wired":5308,"purgeable":48,"inactive":3560,"free":10549,"speculative":3677}},
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