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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 11, 2022
Edmonton, AB
Hello community,
I am new here.

So Hello! I am Cide.

I have 2 MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2012 (With Samsung LCD Screens!) which I run with Catalina, they are very snappy and a joy to use, Still. After 10 years of owning the same machine, with a 15TB Promise Thunderbolt backup solution in place, in case of failures.

They both have original SSD's, one of them 768 and the other 256 Samsung parts. The 256 one feels useless in terms of music storage capacity so I would like to consider upgrading. I am wondering if OWC Upgrade kits for my model are suggested? Or if I should avoid them and go for original Samsung SSD parts used? I read alot about sudden SSD failures.

I have 6147 Hours on the 256GB ssd which has had a catastrophic file system failure and required complete formatting to bring back to life. The 768 has 30,000 or so hours, and has had no such failures and has better health indicators than the 256, in terms of memory levelling wear.

Is it even worth money to put new hardware in these, apparently less than valuable intel machines? I was looking at the $379.00 they are asking for the 2TB ssd. Or should I just use my external Backup RAID as much as possible and save the money for new hardware?

Let me know what is best in terms of practice in this scenario. Let me know if there's a better source for the Apple parts, than eBay? If the Apple parts are suggested....Or OWC.. of course I may use them as they are and not touch anything but having 47gb free is no fun.

Thank you.

I will run these MacBooks until the screen or Logic boards fail. So far both machines are bullet proof, and I absolutely love them. They wouldn't sell for much but to me they are more than useful for IT stuff.


macrumors newbie
Aug 31, 2022
United States
I also have a mid 2012 macbook pro. It was given to me. It's running the OsX. I have been having problems running the catalina patch but I am thinking I should upgrade to an ssd. I noticed you said yours came with an ssd originally? Also, did you find a good source for parts?
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