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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2017
Hi guys,

Firstly, this is my first post on this forum so apologies if this is in the wrong section. Secondly, I have a 2015 13-inch MBP (retina) running OSX 10.11.6 El Capitan and it will not shutdown when I do the usual apple > shutdown. The top navigation bar is gone, my desktop items are gone and all i'm left with is the dock and my background when I go to shutdown this way. I have left it for a good 15 minutes and it still won't shutdown.
I've read a few suggestions online, but none of them seem to have worked. I've done a first-aid on my Macintosh HD disk through disk-utility and i've done the system updates that were available on the app store. Furthermore, I have done the good old alt+cmd+esc to bring up force quit, but no apps appear except for finder, and even that seems to be fine and not non-responding. Weirdly however, if I go apple > log off, it logs off fine and I can shut it down from there.
Have any of you experienced anything similar? If so, what was your solution to it? I've had to hard power down my macbook about 10 times now and it's not doing it any favours at all.

Thanks in advance and apologies about the essay length of this post!



macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2015
Ok, I'm probably not the guy you want answering this but I'll give my 2 cents And maybe bump your post back to the top for a better answer.

It sounds like a process you have is killing the process that runs the top bar. You say you've shut down and restarted but the top bar keeps disappearing, so there's something wrong with your software SOMEWHERE.

If it were me, I'd do a full reinstall of the OS. Then slowly reintroduce apps and programs until you find the culprit. But that's just me, and there's probably an easier fix out there from someone who knows better than me.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 17, 2017
Hi guys, appreciate the replies. I have actually upgraded the OS to Sierra rather than just re-install El Capitan and so far it seems to be working. Obviously touch wood it continues!

Thanks again.
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