I've had my MBP for some five months now.
Yesterday the charge LED on the magsafe connector went out. Also, the battery stays at it's current charge (73%) as long as the connector is in.
So the adapter apparently works, but doesn't recharge the battery.
If the battery was faulty, wouldn't the charge drop to zero?
I'll be calling Apple support tomorrow, but of there's any troubleshooting I can do now, I'd like to see what's wrong here now.
I have no spare adapter or battery, so can't use that.
I've tried resetting the NVram, no difference. Are there any other resets that could have an influence here?
I've had my MBP for some five months now.
Yesterday the charge LED on the magsafe connector went out. Also, the battery stays at it's current charge (73%) as long as the connector is in.
So the adapter apparently works, but doesn't recharge the battery.
If the battery was faulty, wouldn't the charge drop to zero?
I'll be calling Apple support tomorrow, but of there's any troubleshooting I can do now, I'd like to see what's wrong here now.
I have no spare adapter or battery, so can't use that.
I've tried resetting the NVram, no difference. Are there any other resets that could have an influence here?