Some info on memory... Definitions..
Wired: Wired memory is memory that can not be swapped out. Kiss this goodbye
The system is making use of it..
Active: Memory that is currently, or has been in use recently. This can be applications, cache, buffers, etc...
Inactive: Memory that hasn't been in use for some time. It's allowed to be swapped out to disk and released to the Free pool. The system will not flush this unless an application tells the VM that it's done with it, or the kernel is done using it for caching or a cleanup process determines that it was abandoned. (this is rare on OS X)
Total: The sum of the above 3
Free: Memory that has not been used, or was used and has been cleaned and moved back into the free pool. 10.4 tries to keep about 300MB free, once it hits that point the VM starts swapping to disk.
VM Size: The total physical and swap memory currently available to the system.
Page Ins/Outs: Page Ins are when a page of memory was referenced, but it wasn't in the address space of the application. It may have been in RAM, but moved to inactive, or on the disk. Page Outs are when a Page of memory was send to the disk because there was not enough Free physical memory available. Page Outs are bad... this is SLOW and it means that you are going to have a SLOW Page In too. Page Ins are fast or slow, depending on if the page was somewhere in physical memory or virtual memory (disk). Page Outs are always slow, because they are in virtual memory.
Bottom Line is you have nothing to worry about unless you have Page Outs. And then it's only a worry if you have a lot of them. Even with 6GB, my Mac Pro will still page out. It's not often, just when I'm running Final Cut Studio and open Parallels.
Also, I now some people are going to bitch about this post... This is simplified.. If you need the full gory details, you can read Apple's 53 page document on memory management here: