USB headphones no sound - weird solution
hi, i'm not sure if this helps for headphones that plug in with a stereo jack but i have USB headphones (a headset for talking on skype, makes me feel like a telesales person), when i plug my phones into my CrapBook Pro it cuts sound on the computer speakers and plays nothing on my headphones.
weird solution for this is to go to Sound in system preferences, select your headphones obviously, but then click the mute button on. when you click it off suddenly sound plays in the headphones.
i have to do this everytime.
could be i need a USB upgrade or something?!
secretly i hope to discover another software update that fixes this, since a last update made my fan blow like bananas for a few seconds, afterwhich my machine has been running slightly cooler. by that i mean it's not the temperature of the sun anymore. good for frying breakfast on my trackpad while in the office early.