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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 20, 2016
Randomly my Macbook keys will go crazy and no matter what I type I get "hhhhhhhjjjjjjj" and then moments later a kernel panic as everything freezes up.

I've read many posts about this being an issue in 10.11.4, but I still have the issue in 10.11.6 and wondering if I'm alone? I've removed all external devices. I've had it with different apps open and closed. I've reset NVRAM and SMC. It even once has occurred on my other 12" Macbook.

My latest suspicion is that it could be when the Time Machine is doing wireless a backup, as I when I saw my keyboard was going funny again a moment ago I switched off Time Machine backup and the keyboard went back to normal without the usual kernel panic and freezing.

Anybody else experiencing this or is it an anomaly on my system?

UPDATE: Not Time Machine. It crashed when it was switched off. I've narrowed it down to crashing often when I am doing online banking using Safari (Firefox is fine). My bank uses IBMs Trusteer Rapport protection when using Safari. I have now removed the add-on and am monitoring. So far no crash.
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