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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 27, 2018
Hi guys, Im totaly new at forums so sorry if I write something wrong.
I have a problem with my sisters macbook.
A year ago she bought a brand new macbook pro retina 13inch. The same day, before she even opened it it has been stolen.
Now a year later the police closed the investigation due to lack of any evidence.
I am wondering if there is any way to register this Mac online or add this device to iCloud (and then report it stolen) if we only have a serial number and proof of purchase? Apple support says there is no way to register it without actually having the device and if Find my Mac was not activated (she has never used the computer before it was stolen) there is nothing they can do.
We have done pretty much everything the authorities and Apple told us but now we are left with nothing.
I am wondering if there is ANY way of solving this kind of problems..


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2018
Philadelphia Suburbs
Sorry to hear that the Mac was stolen :-(. I'm imagining that if it was stolen from home or her car you contacted your insurance company? If its been a year, I'm not sure what they could do. Unfortunately, most of us have experienced some type of situation like this and, sometimes, you just have to chalk it up as a loss.


macrumors 68040
Mar 1, 2018
Somewhere between 0 and 1
Based on my knowledge, I am sorry to inform you that mentioned Mac is a lost cause...

I hope that someone *might* tell you anything that can help you, but... when taking in consideration all what you said, I am afraid it is gone for good.
I'm sorry to say, that the machine is long gone, and there's nothing further you can do.
RE: your signature.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
I am just curious why the OP has made a post asking for help regarding a macbook that was stolen one year ago!.

Is this genuine or is this someone who has stolen a macbook trying too find out if security features can be turned on at a later date.
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