As far as I know, you cant change the HD as a user upgradeable part. Only Apple Cert. Techs can. Im sure if you take it down to your Apple store, they'll inform you. Or phone up. OR wait till someone else posts
As far as I know, you cant change the HD as a user upgradeable part. Only Apple Cert. Techs can. Im sure if you take it down to your Apple store, they'll inform you. Or phone up. OR wait till someone else posts
As far as I know, you cant change the HD as a user upgradeable part. Only Apple Cert. Techs can. Im sure if you take it down to your Apple store, they'll inform you. Or phone up. OR wait till someone else posts
Umm, calm down ?
When you take your notebook in for warrenty and it has obviously been opened by you with dents and bent bits then they are not required to service it. So unless you feel you can open it and change it over undamaged then doing it yourself isn't always the best idea.
the difficulty of uprgading computers is completely overrated, anyone with a little technical knowhow is able to do it. just dont worry about investing 20 bucks on one of those statice bracelets because from my experience they are pretty useless