Of course, you will get a different answer.
The majority of the people who own the Air considered the Air and its compromises relative to the rest of the Apple line up with their particular use cases in mind and decided that the portability, etc outweighed the design limitations. I went back and forth between the MB and the MBA, and chose the Air. There are very times when I have regretted it. If your usage includes ripping CDs, watching DVDs, need gigabit ethernet connectivity, use more than 2G of RAM, or over 110GB of disk space and are not willing to compromise, then get the MB and roll the cost difference into upgrading the RAM and buying one of the new 256GB Corsair (Samsung rebrand) drives (if you were considering the high end model) or just buy the RAM and wait on the disk drive. If you value portability (above all) with reasonable performance envelope, get the MBA. Some people love to bash the Air, but generally their usage patterns or perceived needs do not align well with the design/feature set and seem to get off on belittling people who either are capable of adapting their usage or whose needs are met by the MBA. In the end, you only have one person to answer to. Do what works best for you