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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2005
in the internet
Okay, I know this is probably the 500000 thread on this, but I have read most of them to aid with my decision.

First, I was really excited about purchasing a Macbook Pro, but since the release of the Macbook, and the little difference in speed between the two computers, yet big difference in price has hindered my decision.

I understand that it has been reported that the MBP has more issues with heat and sounds than the MB?

Second, the more important, issue that is keeping me from buying the portable is that I need to be able to run Vista on the computer, and yes, it would be nice to have the Aero® interface.Would the integrated GPU be able to support this? That was my main concern because I will not be doing much video editing on this machine because I will use my Powermac.

I will use the machine for things like: Web Browsing, Word Processing, Basic Gaming (Halo, BF2 etc.) the occasional photo editing, and definately Vista. Currently, I only own a IBM portable, but since I like the os so much more, I would like a mac portable.

One thing I like about the MB is its perfect size, (I wish they would make a 13 inch MBP!) but i really dont like the glossy screen.

Should I keep the extra $900 for extra accessories, and replace the machine more frequently, or should I buy the Pro and keep it for longer?
Will the PM be your main machine? If you didn't have the powermac I'd say the MBP but in your case, if you already have a "pro" machine, you probably don't need two.
pianodude123 said:
Okay, I know this is probably the 500000 thread on this, but I have read most of them to aid with my decision.

First, I was really excited about purchasing a Macbook Pro, but since the release of the Macbook, and the little difference in speed between the two computers, yet big difference in price has hindered my decision.

I understand that it has been reported that the MBP has more issues with heat and sounds than the MB?

Second, the more important, issue that is keeping me from buying the portable is that I need to be able to run Vista on the computer, and yes, it would be nice to have the Aero® interface.Would the integrated GPU be able to support this? That was my main concern because I will not be doing much video editing on this machine because I will use my Powermac.

I will use the machine for things like: Web Browsing, Word Processing, Basic Gaming (Halo, BF2 etc.) the occasional photo editing, and definately Vista. Currently, I only own a IBM portable, but since I like the os so much more, I would like a mac portable.

One thing I like about the MB is its perfect size, (I wish they would make a 13 inch MBP!) but i really dont like the glossy screen.

Should I keep the extra $900 for extra accessories, and replace the machine more frequently, or should I buy the Pro and keep it for longer?

One thing i think is worth mentioning; Have you ever used a tibook? My friend has a 1g tibook and that is definately the hottest laptop i have ever felt in my entire life. So we can see that Apple has sold hotter laptops in the past. The mbp is not the hottest. If the tibooks are still running strong (his is) then you will be fine.
w8ing4intelmacs said:
buy a macbook now, then when vista comes out (i'm guessing late 2007), sell your macbook and buy a mbp.

2007?:rolleyes: More like 2020 the way they carry on delaying the release of this. They are probably just waiting for Leopard so they can copy all of the features there to!:D
Actually, I dont really care about the heaat, its just little things like mooing and the high pitched squeals that I cannot stand.

I bet if Jobs said the heat was an extra feature: iLap heater, people would stop their complaining and buy more of them:p
I have a 15 MBP and I dont really notice any issues with, but it is quite warm.

If you are playing games, I really think you are going to want the dedicated graphics, along with running Vista Aero later (check ATIs site and see what the support is on the x1600) You are also going to appreciate the extra resolution the 15" brings for photoediting. Finally, the size of the machines, along with weight, is not that different between the two; in terms of carrying either, your bag and the weight of the bag will be the same, the MB isnt exactly an ultraportable.
RichP said:
I have a 15 MBP and I dont really notice any issues with, but it is quite warm.

If you are playing games, I really think you are going to want the dedicated graphics, along with running Vista Aero later (check ATIs site and see what the support is on the x1600) You are also going to appreciate the extra resolution the 15" brings for photoediting. Finally, the size of the machines, along with weight, is not that different between the two; in terms of carrying either, your bag and the weight of the bag will be the same, the MB isnt exactly an ultraportable.

Thanks for the prompt response.

How do people feel about the remarkable difference in price for such a simple upgrade: 64 MB vs 128/256 MB vram

What I am thinking is that if I buy a machine now, and it is 2/3rds the price of the macbook, I will only keep it for 2/3rds the time, therefore I can replace the machine more often. So If i buy a machine for $3000, I usually have to keep it for 3 years. If I buy one for $1500, like the MB, I'll hve it for 1.5 years. In those 1.5 years, I assume windows xp will suffice, and I can always use the beta of vista without Aero, and then when more modern machines come out in 2007.5, I will buy one of those.
How do I add a poll to this thread. What I would like to do is have a poll with the following options:

* I have a Macbook

* I have a Macbook Pro

* I would buy the Pro

* I would go for the lower end model.
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