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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 8, 2016
United States
Bought a new MagSafe charger from Apple recently and I've noticed that when I connect/disconnect, it substantially slows down my MacBook for a minute or two. I've also noticed that one of the dots inside my I/O port now has a small burn mark around it.

I suppose the immediate solution would be to return the charger and get a replacement, but now I'm worried it has damaged my MacBook and I'm beyond fixing this slowness problem since it's 4 years out of warranty.

Any ideas what my consumer rights would be here, or what could be causing the slowness?


macrumors 6502
Jun 16, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Were you using a non-Apple, non-genuine charger at some point? That's the only scenario that I can think of in which your charging port would have burn marks; genuine Apple chargers make a connection and verify it with communications before they supply current, and therefore should never cause the kind of sparking that generates a burn mark. The counterfeit chargers will look like a real Apple charger down to the most minute cosmetic detail, but they have full voltage and current available at the connector all the time, and will occasionally spark when you make the connection.

As far as the slowness, have you tried viewing Activity Monitor and/or Console while making and removing the power connection? Activity monitor would show either a lot of CPU activity or a lot of disk activity, and the console might show a flood of log entries that would help pinpoint the problem.
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