I'd sayit depends on the type of environment you will be using the laptop in. I am in college and I have an iMac G5 and I bought a MacBook Pro this spring. I love my MacBook Pro, but I must admit I was jealous when the new MacBooks came out. True, there are people that will point out that there are not many technological differences between the two machines. While this is true on the surface, the differences that are there do make a large difference between the performance of the machines. For me, having the dedicated video card makes the MacBook Pro worth the extra money. Plus the larger screen and the ****ing sweet back-lit keyboard.
And what I meant by environment...I kind of wish the MacBook Pro was as durable as the MacBook. Lets face it: the MacBook Pro was meant to be used in an environment where it is relatively safe from harm. The MacBook, on the other hand, can take a bit of a beating.