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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 4, 2006
Today I have been playing around with my macbook and I am currently connected to the internet by a hotspot right next to my house. The problem is that I only get 2 bars in my strength meter (airport icon). What can I do to add range to my laptop? Would I add an antenna directly to my macbook, and how, or would I buy a reciever unit for the signal and transfer data to/from that with ethernet. Thanks, and any product suggestions would be great! thanks.
QuickerTek Connect . They do a range of wireless products, some designed to boost the transmitted signal (eg from an Airport base station) and some to improve the received signal.
im confused on how that quickertech works, and it seems hard to find information on. Its not necessary that it is always with the macbook, just that I can pull a strong signal from my house, Therefore there should be a cheaper alternative I think....thanks!
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