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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2017
I am not sure if anyone uses a MacBook with a Smartboard. I have an issue with the SB screen when connecting the computer to it.

I have a MacBook Air (M1, 2020) running Ventura (22A380). The SB is a newer MX065-v3 model. The computer is connected to the board using a hub and HDMI cable. When the computer is connected to the board the SB screen is greenish and washed out. The board is not clear.

I have tried different computers, cables, hubs and I narrowed it down to something with Ventura. I have tried another MacBook running Monterey and the SB screen is fine and clear.

I have reached out to Smarttech support (maker of Smartboard) and they told me to update the drivers on the MacBook. Obviously, I can't manually update the drivers like you can on a PC.

Perhaps I am missing something on the computer in Displays or another setting. If I connect the computer using the same hub and VGA then the screen is fine and clear. Otherwise the computer works fine.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2017
Just an update. If anyone works for a school district and their teachers are using a MacBook Air (M1) along with a Smartboard, don't use the Mokin hub.

I replaced the Mokin with a Hiearcool hub and it resolved the issue. Mokin is a terrible hub to use.
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