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macrumors member
Original poster
May 18, 2006
san Jose, CA
Should I wait for the next revision on the MacBook or get one now. If I do get one now, I am worried about the "mooing". So should I wait till next rev or go purchase now?
hengyu408 said:
Should I wait for the next revision on the MacBook or get one now. If I do get one now, I am worried about the "mooing". So should I wait till next rev or go purchase now?
The next rev will have a Merom processor that's more futureproof if you want to keep it for a long time and will have better graphics, but may not be out until September. The mooing *should* be fixable with a firmware upgrade. (But i'm not sure...) it also may not be fixed until the next rev as there are unlikely to be many other changes...
I remember seeing the first 128K Mac 22 years ago. I was blown away by it, but I didn't buy it because I knew something better would come along. Since then I've watched Apple release wave after wave of now obsolete junk. For the same price as that 128K Mac I could buy a quad today. Of course I won't because Woodcrest (much better than Merom) will be out soon. St. Martin after that. And who knows when Apple will release the SkiFi to it's geosynchronous satellite. Plus a lot of people will be stuck with crap monitors when Human Brain Interface comes along (I'm not going to buy Rev. A of that). It's always best to wait

Have to go now. The library, whose computers I use, is closing. Besides I need to upgrade the eraser on my portable text processor.

Seriously, there is always something better coming out in a few months, and people complaining about what is out now. Buy a computer when you need it. If you don't need it, you do not lose anything by waiting.

Best wishes.
I'm perfectly happy with my Macbook if that's any consolidation.

Macbooks have JUST come out. I predict they won't be updated until Jan.
7on said:
I'm perfectly happy with my Macbook if that's any consolidation.

Macbooks have JUST come out. I predict they won't be updated until Jan.

So no problems what so ever with your MacBook?
7on said:
I'm perfectly happy with my Macbook if that's any consolidation.

Macbooks have JUST come out. I predict they won't be updated until Jan.

i hope so, thats when i plan on buying my Macbook with 10.5 and iLife 07... maybe 80gb standard too.. *ponders*


My week old MacBook is still perfect. No "moo", no case issues, not all that hot, no problems at all.

I don't regret this machine at all, and I can easily see it being my 3 year machine, just like my TiBook was.

Probably better.
I am waiting for 10.5 myself. It will probably be out in the next 6 months or so. I don't want to even speculate if the macbooks will be on rev b by then, but all I know, is that i'm waiting for 10.5 to come out before I buy.

If you need it now, then i'd say by it, it was just released, and is a great machine.

I have an mbp, but i echo the macbook owners, I love my computer and it's pretty darned close to perfection. Don't delay if you need one. At some point, you have to stop waiting for something new to come out and you have to actually purchase.
vikas soni said:
Absolutely perfect. Dont wait for Meroms. They wont be out before november IMO. And it might actually be Jan before we really get an upgrade.

Take a look at this thread too.

How do you figure? It will be released long before November.

MacBook is the consumer model, so there's not much going for Merom anyway.
the mooing shouldnt be something to "worry" about. It doesnt cause any damage, and it should be very easily fixed by a firmware upgrade. I have a core duo 1.83, and i LOVE it. Don't worry about speed; this thing FLIES! I was ripping a DVD on iSquint the other day. On my 800MHz G4 iMac i get to about 10 fsp at the most. With the core duo, i can get to 90 fps!

WHen i log on with my iMac, i open Mail, Adium, iTunes and Safari from the dock. This usually takes a few minutes to load completely. When I try the same thing with my MacBook, the first app i open is done before i can click on the 3rd!

Im expecting my MacBook to last me out for a few years to come. Ill get AppleCare for it so if it does screw up, they can just throw a Merom or new my way :p
hmmm, i'm sort of confused myself being a 'prospective' switcher. i really have some time on my hands in the next few months and really want to own a mac (and get used 2 it).
but i plan to wait at least till august..till the WWDC. maybe we can find out something interesting/useful then. other than that, i'm trying really hard not buy one right now due to all the complaints; I would suggest the same...WAIT!
I absolutely love the 2.0, 2GBRAM, 120GB HD model I have except for:

1. The Heat - Never before have I felt a machine this hot that wasn't gas powered.

2. The size/weight - I wanted a smaller/lighter notebook (don't call it a laptop!!!), but what I got was a larger/heavier one. Oh well. We'll see what comes this summer or at MacWorld.

Other than that, it's pretty bitchin'. No noise, cept the fan (which I actually wish would turn on more, heat), no big weirdnesses.

I work with my Macs, not game, so I can't attest to that.
dferrara said:
How do you figure? It will be released long before November.

MacBook is the consumer model, so there's not much going for Merom anyway.

I was not talking bout Meroms actually. I know they will be launched in August. I was talkin bout MB with Meroms. IMO you wont get Merom in MB before this Nov. Also IMHO MB will get a second rev only when they have Meroms in them. Since the OP is waiting for next rev, I was trying to tell him it wont be before nov06 at best. And you might just be waiting till Jan 07(MWSF) for the MB revision.

The current MB is a really nice notebook. There are some reports of mooing and whinning, but they are very few compared to MBPs. Mine doesnt whine/moo. I dont even know what Whinning and mooing actually sound like.

So I really think Right Now is the best time to get a MB. It`ll really piss you off if you wait till nov and still dont get an upgrade. You then decide to get one with yonah only as you`ve waited really long and cant do without a NoteBook anymore. And after a month you find out that Merom MB are launched. So you waited for 5-6 months frustrating the hell out of you and still have to do with the MB which you could easily buy in June and use it for six extra months.
What is Mooing

What is "Mooing?"

Does Mooing effect the MacBook Pro model or just the MacBook's? Does the fan sound like a cow mooing?

Thanks much,

hengyu408 said:
So no problems what so ever with your MacBook?

mine moos in a warm room, but when I take it off the desk and move it elsewhere or when I use it in the office no moos.

The moos are relatively quiet too, so I'm not bothered by them.
7on said:
mine moos in a warm room, but when I take it off the desk and move it elsewhere or when I use it in the office no moos.

The moos are relatively quiet too, so I'm not bothered by them.

The reason the mooing bothers people is because the machine is otherwise dead quiet. It's the RELATIVE noise that's annoying.
rbaroncpd said:
What is "Mooing?"

Does Mooing effect the MacBook Pro model or just the MacBook's? Does the fan sound like a cow mooing?

Thanks much,


Mooing is the sound a computer makes when the fans start idle, and then kick in when the cpu reaches a certain temperature. Lets say that is 72c (random).
if the cpu is at 71c the fans are off and the computer is SILENT. When it reaches 72c the fans turn on, and as they pick up speed they make a sound like an engine reving, low to high pitched. They are little fans, so it soungs more lik mmmmmmmmooooooooooooooo.
It's really not a big deal... firmware tweaks should fix it. My idea would be to have the fans off until about 10c before they turn on now, and then have them on a gradient, so they can spin really slowly between 60 and 65, a litte faster for 65-71c and then go full speed above 72c.
Oh yeah, all those temperatures are completely taken at random. Just consider 72c whatever temp the fans kick in at now.
Having them going all the time kills the battery though. (maybe users will be able to select options in power menu leveraging fans vs battery and noise)
Eraserhead said:
The next rev will have a Merom processor that's more futureproof if you want to keep it for a long time and will have better graphics, but may not be out until September. The mooing *should* be fixable with a firmware upgrade. (But i'm not sure...) it also may not be fixed until the next rev as there are unlikely to be many other changes...

I doubt the Merom will go into the Macbook. Probably go into MacBook Pro first.

If you need the computer now buy it. If you can get on the free IPOD get it now!
I doubt we'll see a better graphics card upgrade in the MacBooks anytime soon. That's why it is a lower end apple notebook (a nice one if I might add). I don't think Merom will be going to the MacBooks anytime soon. MacBook Pros in January and then March for the MacBooks. This is just speculation but for what I'll be using mine for when I buy it the current MacBook will suit my needs just fine. All I will be doing is running OSX for school, sound and video editing and windows for a few game such as Half-Life and counter-Strike. I also heard that Call of Duty 2 runs on 512 ram in the MacBooks and even Half-Life 2. I have seen videos of both so no need to get all excited about these new processors just now as i'm sure Apple is thinking the same way right now.
hengyu408 said:
Too late, I already got my MacBook.
nice!! i dont have any problems except I NEED MORE RAM! get at least 1GB, I'm gunna get 2! (ignore my sig)! CS2 is painfully slow, and MS 2004 is slow to start but when its upa nd running its ok!
MacBook'06 said:
nice!! i dont have any problems except I NEED MORE RAM! get at least 1GB, I'm gunna get 2! (ignore my sig)! CS2 is painfully slow, and MS 2004 is slow to start but when its upa nd running its ok!

If you going to upgrade might as well go for two. You can get 2GB for 166 or less now.
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