FirePak said:I wouldnt worry about it too much, I just saw some topics regarding this and it seems if you clean them with non-acetone fingernail polish it turns it good as new. Ive also heard that some of the black macbooks are chipping. I would personally go with the white.
FirePak said:I wouldnt worry about it too much, I just saw some topics regarding this and it seems if you clean them with non-acetone fingernail polish it turns it good as new. Ive also heard that some of the black macbooks are chipping. I would personally go with the white.
it5five said:The black macbooks aren't chipping. They aren't painted, so it is impossible for them to chip/flake. The "incident" about that one guy's macbook was proven to be false.
JackSYi said:Yeah you're right. I own the Black model and the color is not painted on but its just black plastic. The white model seems too tacky and feminine to me, although the black shows off oil stains, fingerprints and dust way too easily.
it5five said:The black macbooks aren't chipping. They aren't painted, so it is impossible for them to chip/flake. The "incident" about that one guy's macbook was proven to be false.
jammer08 said:How does the black one look? Would you buy the black again if you could go back?
jammer08 said:I ordered a white macbook today, and am reading these threads... I am completely torn... WHITE VS BLACK???...these posts about the discoloration of the white ones are kinda scaring me... any input on this issue would be great! thanks
jammer08 said:I ordered a white macbook today, and am reading these threads... I am completely torn... WHITE VS BLACK???...these posts about the discoloration of the white ones are kinda scaring me... any input on this issue would be great! thanks
wako said:because having clean hands and then sweating cant discolor things? Common sense failed you....
and some people with iBooks did run into this type of trouble as well. However the iBooks started showing these type of things years later. The macbook started to discolor within 3 weeks...
wako said:My macbook is actually coming in tommorow. Im planning on going black just for this reason. I already talked to the Apple store near me if I can exchange it for a black one, and they already said I could.
I dont know what FirePak is talking about because many people who actually have the discoloration say that using nail polish, some eraser thing, and alcohol does not work. Only some people have gotten lucky for it to work.
Despite the black macbook being able to show dust, scratches, and oils really easily. I rather have those things be shown where I can easily clear them up with a alcohol wipe or some crystal base that can rid of scratches, than to have a huge yellow blotch that has no way to be taken off. Even if there is a small chance, Apple can always pull a fast one on you saying that Applecare does not cover the cosmetics of the system, which leaves you to one dirty macbook.
I went to the Apple store recently just to check out this problem. Although it isnt as bad as the pictures surfing around on the web, it sure doesnt look appealing either, and seems to confirm there is indeed a problem.
CaptainCaveMann said:What i dont get is if the ibooks werent having these issues then the macbook shouldnt be. This whole discoloration issue is rediculous. The dentist guy or whoever started it was suffering from paranoia and lack of a bar of soap. Whats more likely? The macbooks are suffering from a massive discoloration issue that nobody can even prove to be a real issue, or in fact the orginal poster didnt wash his hands well? Common sense people. Ive had my white ibook for over a year now and ive only cleaned it once. Its still white as snow and im a autobody tech by day. I ofton use my computer after work and my hands are very dirty. I think i can speak for some other macrumors members when i say im sick of seeing this so called issue lingering here and id like to see it tossed into wasteland.![]()