a "throwaway" computer?? how much money do YOU have that a $1300 purchase is classified as a "throwaway"??generik said:Just buy it already, a Macbook is cheap and basically a more expensive of a throwaway computer like a Mini. Those of us who are waiting for a new MBP rev on the other hand....![]()
xfiftyfour said:a "throwaway" computer?? how much money do YOU have that a $1300 purchase is classified as a "throwaway"??
macaddicted said:If you need it buy it. If having the "latest and greatest" is more important then wait.
Personally I'm waiting, but then I already have a system I'm comfortable with. Getting a new system for me is a convenience, a gift to myself, not a necessity. I prefer laptops, but I thought I would give an iMac a try, less money and bigger screen. It's a great system, and it serves my needs, but I really am much more comfortable with a laptop. So when merom comes out I'll get one, but until then I can wait.
well eventually the MB will have to get Merom.. it's just a matter of when - which is everyone's guessing game.plunar said:Macbooks are slated for merom? I thought that was only the Pro models???
I`d say get it now. You might be waiting till sept. And if MB is not updated then we`ll enter the era of Merom MB next Tuesday. You wait another month hoping it`ll be released this tuesday. And finally you cant hold any longer and buy it in october only to find it updated couple weeks later.plunar said:I can wait for Paris, but if these things aren't due out till November then I'm just wasting time and losing potential use. What's the general consensus?
xfiftyfour said:a "throwaway" computer?? how much money do YOU have that a $1300 purchase is classified as a "throwaway"??
shadowmoses said:MacBook's will not go merom for a while probably not until next summer, Think about it why should Apple bother updating a very fast computer as it will run leopard fine as well as windows if need be, the Macbook is already more than fast enough for the average consumer. As well as this when the MBP's get updated to merom later this year at least they will have something substantial to differentiate them from the consumer notebook.
Personally I would be very surprised if Apple update the MacBook before next spring/summer,
generik said:...a Macbook is cheap and basically a more expensive of a throwaway computer like a Mini.
plunar said:I can wait for Paris, but if these things aren't due out till November then I'm just wasting time and losing potential use. What's the general consensus?
aswitcher said:When we do I think we will see a dedicated graphics card as the Pros will be clearly in advance of them performance wise with chips and cards so Apple can tweak them up a bit.
emotion said:I think it's unlikely we'll ever see dedicated graphics in the Macbooks. I think it's the Intel 965 graphics we'll see next in the MB (the current is 945).
generik said:Just buy it already, a Macbook is cheap and basically a more expensive of a throwaway computer like a Mini. Those of us who are waiting for a new MBP rev on the other hand....![]()
Bubbasteve said:I'm waiting for the MBs to be bundled with Leopard...but that's just me
plunar said:I can wait for Paris, but if these things aren't due out till November then I'm just wasting time and losing potential use. What's the general consensus?
AlBDamned said:Paris was pretty crap last year by all accounts. No keynote speech from Jobs and I think the biggest thing to shout about was a "new and improved" .Mac.
Don't hold your breath on lots of exciting things at that event.