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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2004
Northern Maine
Anyone interested in helping a Newbie with Macintosh?
I have a e-machine 500i but have never had a Mac before purchasing this one at a yardsale last week. It is an older one and I'm lost before I even get started!. I have learned by poking around and getting on the ineternet and surfing a bit that it has hypercard program in it. Can you use the puter without that? How when it always opens right up to this hypercard thing? The one in this machine is called "Kids DESK" . I've tried downloading some programs and games and hypercard stuff free off the internet through my windows 98 but when I put the floppy in the Mac it dhows nothing but when I put the floppy in my e-machine the prgram is there. I just don't know what or where to go and what to do. I like the little thing just for playing arond on and I understand you can't do a whole lot with them. But I want to learn. My problem is I haven't any money to purchase all the expensive stuff with it. When I go to the hypercard and find the listing of the hard drive and all the programs and then I double clik on one of them nothing comes up but a blank. Might I be doing something wrong? Anyone have any old books or hypercards they would cell me dirt cheap or give me? I'll pay postage. Please let me know. THANKS
hummingbird92 said:
Anyone interested in helping a Newbie with Macintosh?
I have a e-machine 500i but have never had a Mac before purchasing this one at a yardsale last week. It is an older one and I'm lost before I even get started!. I have learned by poking around and getting on the ineternet and surfing a bit that it has hypercard program in it. Can you use the puter without that? How when it always opens right up to this hypercard thing? The one in this machine is called "Kids DESK" . I've tried downloading some programs and games and hypercard stuff free off the internet through my windows 98 but when I put the floppy in the Mac it dhows nothing but when I put the floppy in my e-machine the prgram is there. I just don't know what or where to go and what to do. I like the little thing just for playing arond on and I understand you can't do a whole lot with them. But I want to learn. My problem is I haven't any money to purchase all the expensive stuff with it. When I go to the hypercard and find the listing of the hard drive and all the programs and then I double clik on one of them nothing comes up but a blank. Might I be doing something wrong? Anyone have any old books or hypercards they would cell me dirt cheap or give me? I'll pay postage. Please let me know. THANKS
Kid's Desk was a front end that allowed children to have a good experience on the Macintosh, but limited their access. You can regain access to the Finder by disabling Kid's Desk. HyperCard was a hypertext environment/development system that allowed people with relatively little programming expertise to develop quite useful applications. You haven't done anything wrong, per se. However, I would recommend that you find a Mac-using friend who will help you get the computer into a more usable state.

One last thing: Please understand that the Mac does not run the same applications as your Windows 98 computer. However, it can read MS-DOS/Windows disks if the File Exchange Control Panel is enabled.
MisterMe said:
Kid's Desk was a front end that allowed children to have a good experience on the Macintosh, but limited their access. You can regain access to the Finder by disabling Kid's Desk. HyperCard was a hypertext environment/development system that allowed people with relatively little programming expertise to develop quite useful applications. You haven't done anything wrong, per se. However, I would recommend that you find a Mac-using friend who will help you get the computer into a more usable state.

One last thing: Please understand that the Mac does not run the same applications as your Windows 98 computer. However, it can read MS-DOS/Windows disks if the File Exchange Control Panel is enabled.

Thanks for your reply. I didn't pay too much. It only cost me $10 but was in excellent shape. I just didn't think it was so complicated but am still interested in making it work. Do you mean enable the File Exchange Control Panel in the Mac? Where might that be and how do I find it? also How do I dsable the Kid's Desk hypercard? Thanks again
hummingbird92 said:
Thanks for your reply. I didn't pay too much. It only cost me $10 but was in excellent shape. I just didn't think it was so complicated but am still interested in making it work. Do you mean enable the File Exchange Control Panel in the Mac? Where might that be and how do I find it? also How do I dsable the Kid's Desk hypercard? Thanks again
I have no experience with Kids Desk at all. I would need two or three minutes with your machine to figure out how it works. That's why I recommend that you have a friend help you set-up your computer.

It is my guess that Kids Desk is a "Start-Up" item. Try this: Restart your computer while holding down the [shift] key. This allows your computer to start with all extensions off. You should see the regular [unmodified] Finder and normal Mac desktop. Look inside your System Folder for the "Start-Up Items" folder. If you see Kids Desk there, then drag it out and place it in a safe place. Restart as normal.

If that doesn't work, holler back and I'll try another WAG (wild *ss guess).
wow..that was my first computer back in early grade school! To think we paid over $2000 for it and it came with an unheard of 1 GB of hrad disk space and a 4X Cd reader! Wow!! And today it's worth $10..haha..cracks me up!
hummingbird92 said:
Thanks for your reply. I didn't pay too much. It only cost me $10 but was in excellent shape. I just didn't think it was so complicated but am still interested in making it work. Do you mean enable the File Exchange Control Panel in the Mac? Where might that be and how do I find it? also How do I dsable the Kid's Desk hypercard? Thanks again

#1 Please remember that this is a relatively old computer. It may seem more complicated than Windows 98, but that is because the Mac is much older and therefore uses a much older OS, one that was simpler when it was released.
#2 Things are not this complicated in OS X. You can stick in a "PC" CD, DVD, or plug in a floppy drive and use a "PC" floppy autmatically. You can even access Windows networks, although a few isolated bugs are still being worked out of that. It works for me fine 99% of the time. OS X comes standard on all new Macs and is very easy to learn and use Apple Store

The eMac is what you would probably want to look at. If you spec a Dell out to equal the eMac in standard features, the eMac is actually cheaper by about $100, and will last longer, is easier to use, and will work better.

#3 The Mac is not an inferior machine
#4 To find the file exchange control panel, try looking under the Apple Menu (multi-colored Apple in the top left hand part of the screen.) and then Control Panels menu.

I don't know about Hyper Card.
Calebj14 said:
#1 Please remember that this is a relatively old computer. It may seem more complicated than Windows 98, but that is because the Mac is much older and therefore uses a much older OS, one that was simpler when it was released.
#2 Things are not this complicated in OS X. You can stick in a "PC" CD, DVD, or plug in a floppy drive and use a "PC" floppy autmatically. You can even access Windows networks, although a few isolated bugs are still being worked out of that. It works for me fine 99% of the time. OS X comes standard on all new Macs and is very easy to learn and use Apple Store

The eMac is what you would probably want to look at. If you spec a Dell out to equal the eMac in standard features, the eMac is actually cheaper by about $100, and will last longer, is easier to use, and will work better.

#3 The Mac is not an inferior machine
#4 To find the file exchange control panel, try looking under the Apple Menu (multi-colored Apple in the top left hand part of the screen.) and then Control Panels menu.

I don't know about Hyper Card.
The 6200CD will read PC files just fine. The thing that hummingbird92 has to do first is to break out of Kids Desk into the regular Finder. Clearly this was enabled by the original owner for his/her children. Until this is done, it is my understanding that he will not be able to access the Control Panel.
I had a 6200CD myself a few years back, and I thought it was a pretty nice machine. Pretty snappy compared to the 610 I had before it, and a compact case.

One thing that PC users don't realize is that you can, and should, click on that Apple in the upper left corner.
MisterMe said:
I have no experience with Kids Desk at all. I would need two or three minutes with your machine to figure out how it works. That's why I recommend that you have a friend help you set-up your computer.

It is my guess that Kids Desk is a "Start-Up" item. Try this: Restart your computer while holding down the [shift] key. This allows your computer to start with all extensions off. You should see the regular [unmodified] Finder and normal Mac desktop. Look inside your System Folder for the "Start-Up Items" folder. If you see Kids Desk there, then drag it out and place it in a safe place. Restart as normal.

If that doesn't work, holler back and I'll try another WAG (wild *ss guess).

What I have is the HyperCard Player. I tried what you said but to no avail.
I would like to use the HyperCard but I need stacks to do that. I need to find someone who would send me one or two or tell me where to go online to find a few, possibly FREE? something I can download onto a floppy using my e-machine windows98 and then transfer over to the Mac somehow. I thought I might try going to my public library too. But, I would like to be able to shut the HyperCard on or off at my transgression but maybe that is not possible? Anyway, I do thank you for your suggestions and any help you may offer.
just dealt w/this a little while ago w/a friend.

let it boot up into kid desk, and once everything is loaded, hit control, option, and escape at the same time. you'll get a little dialog box asking if you want to force quit.

you do.

once you do that, you'll be in the good old mac os. prolly 7.5 or some jazz like that.

next step is opening the hard drive -> system folder -> startup items (or something to that effect, it's been a while), and remove the alias for kids desk (throw it away).

then you'll be all set.

go ahead and open up your control panel's folder (click on the apple in the upper left hand corner, and select control panels) and play around. you should be set up by default to access windoze floppies, so no worries there.

have fun and let us know how it goes...


p.s. 7.5.5 is a very different beastie from 10.3.4... keep that in mind :)
cubist said:
I had a 6200CD myself a few years back, and I thought it was a pretty nice machine. Pretty snappy compared to the 610 I had before it, and a compact case.

One thing that PC users don't realize is that you can, and should, click on that Apple in the upper left corner.

What did you do with it? Do you still have the book or any of the stacks? I need to talk to someone who knows something that can help me manuever around. I can't do anything outside this HyperCard player and the Kid's Desk that is on this thing. When I clik on the Apple, it only has one thing on it, a tab about HyperCard. When I click on file I can open or close or Quit or go to Home but can't get out of HyperCard. HyperCard is ok IF I could use it. Do you have any stacks you don't want? I would pay postage. I haven't much money. Disabled and on a fixed income. Thanks :)
mkaake said:
just dealt w/this a little while ago w/a friend.

let it boot up into kid desk, and once everything is loaded, hit control, option, and escape at the same time. you'll get a little dialog box asking if you want to force quit.

you do.

once you do that, you'll be in the good old mac os. prolly 7.5 or some jazz like that.

next step is opening the hard drive -> system folder -> startup items (or something to that effect, it's been a while), and remove the alias for kids desk (throw it away).

then you'll be all set.

go ahead and open up your control panel's folder (click on the apple in the upper left hand corner, and select control panels) and play around. you should be set up by default to access windoze floppies, so no worries there.

have fun and let us know how it goes...


p.s. 7.5.5 is a very different beastie from 10.3.4... keep that in mind :)

Just tried step#1 . Nothing happens. Very exasperating! Maybe I'm stuck in HyperCard on this thing afterall! :confused: HELP
According to Performa 6200's Low-End Mac profile it can run anything from 7.5.1 to 9.1. I think OS 8.6 would probably be a good mix of performance and features. You should be able to get it for a decent price from Ebay and boot right off of it and install a fresh OS.

Alternatively, see this site, which has instructions for making an OS 7.5 boot disk on a PC. Once you've booted, you should be able to go into the hard disk > System Folder > Startup Items and remove kid's desk. Reboot without the boot disk and you should be all set :rolleyes:
Threnody said:
According to Performa 6200's Low-End Mac profile it can run anything from 7.5.1 to 9.1. I think OS 8.6 would probably be a good mix of performance and features. You should be able to get it for a decent price from Ebay and boot right off of it and install a fresh OS.

Alternatively, see this site, which has instructions for making an OS 7.5 boot disk on a PC. Once you've booted, you should be able to go into the hard disk > System Folder > Startup Items and remove kid's desk. Reboot without the boot disk and you should be all set :rolleyes:

good call - completely forgot. OS 7.5 is now a free download from which means if necessary, you can start from scratch, w/o too much trouble at all.
os 8 was okay, and 9 would make that machine almost unbearable... so it's really up to you. but of course, 7.5 is free... which always is nice...

MisterMe said:
The 6200CD will read PC files just fine. The thing that hummingbird92 has to do first is to break out of Kids Desk into the regular Finder. Clearly this was enabled by the original owner for his/her children. Until this is done, it is my understanding that he will not be able to access the Control Panel.

I wasn't trying to insinuate that I know about this. I was, however, trying to help him find a place that a previous poster had mentioned in the control panels. I have only briefly used System 7 and do not really know much about it. I was just guessing from my little knowledge of OS 8 ( I didn't really switch 'til 10.2, although I have used 7.5,8.x, and 9.x)
mkaake said:
just dealt w/this a little while ago w/a friend.

let it boot up into kid desk, and once everything is loaded, hit control, option, and escape at the same time. you'll get a little dialog box asking if you want to force quit.

you do.

Force Quit is the bottom three keys and escape (command (open apple), option, and control, and then escape.)
mkaake said:
good call - completely forgot. OS 7.5 is now a free download from which means if necessary, you can start from scratch, w/o too much trouble at all.
os 8 was okay, and 9 would make that machine almost unbearable... so it's really up to you. but of course, 7.5 is free... which always is nice...

:) I'm still hanging in there. One question. Can I download this Os 7.5 at on a floppy using my e-machine Win 98 and then use the disk to redo my Mac? I hope so because my Mac isn't hooked up to my "DSL link. THanks
hummingbird92 said:
:) I'm still hanging in there. One question. Can I download this Os 7.5 at on a floppy using my e-machine Win 98 and then use the disk to redo my Mac? I hope so because my Mac isn't hooked up to my "DSL link. THanks
:) You know, I just want to say THANK YOU to all you fine Macs'. Thanks for helping me. You've all been great help. This is one of the BEST FORUMS I've ever been on! I know with your help I will eventually crack this and be on my way to enjoying this little Mac.
Anna said:
No, they wouldnt provide old operating systems and it certainly would not fit on a floppy disk

Yes, Yes, Yes! They DO provide 7.5 as a free download, but no, sorry, it will not fit on a floppy. Vintage Mac users: Does this Perfoma have an ethernet port?
It might have Ethernet. The machine can have either a modem or an LC-III type Ethernet card. Mine came with a modem and I swapped in the Ethernet.

It has a CD-ROM. He could get a CD of Mac OS, say 8.1, put it in the drawer, hold C and press reset. I think there is a reset button on the front of the computer.
Anna said:
No, they wouldnt provide old operating systems and it certainly would not fit on a floppy disk

normally i wouldn't reply to a single post like this, but this is important.

if someone has stated several times (along w/others) that there is something that is available online (for free no less), before you say it's not, at least check it out. if he had read that post and left, he would have gone away believing that he could not do anything w/this computer.

force quit is only three keys - apple option escape. if that isn't bringing up the force quite dialog, than you may have to create boot disks to install 7.5.3.

check out

for what you need. it's way down there, so be patient :)
there's also all sorts of other interesting things to be had there, from claris works to really old quicktime. just about anything that shipped standard on a mac from years past looks as though it may be in that huge list.

good luck getting out of kid desk, and good luck w/the OS!


p.s. here's apple's info for your model:
cubist said:
It might have Ethernet. The machine can have either a modem or an LC-III type Ethernet card. Mine came with a modem and I swapped in the Ethernet.

It has a CD-ROM. He could get a CD of Mac OS, say 8.1, put it in the drawer, hold C and press reset. I think there is a reset button on the front of the computer.
:) Nope, no reset button and Nope no CD drawer! I was surprised! there is a stationery door where the CD drawer should be. :( Oh well, Thanks anways for the suggestion. :)
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