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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2013
Hi, I have created two email signatures which look really good in word. All the links are included and the images. When I copy it to the MacMail Signatures however all the links come out and it also looks different (very raw). In other words I can't use it like that. What should I do to get it into Signatures from my word document. I could have also designed this in MacMail however it does not give me enough features. Thank you...


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2016
If Mail app doesn´t give you enough features for a specific design, the best and most flexible way to build an email signature is to write it in plain html. If you don´t know enough html to accomplish the task, there are also a bunch of free and commercial online services (aka email signature generators) offering visual interfaces to output some kind of working html code.

Word might show you some result in your Word document or in a browser, but it will appear very different in various email clients. That´s what makes it quite demanding to create an email signature. You´ll need to serve quite primitive clients with primitive html, but want to have good looking results on more modern platforms, too. So to say, you can´t just convert word html and therefore need to start from scratch.

Even though Word by itself also has just basic support for html, Microsoft is using Word as the html rendering engine for recent Outlook clients and thus is one of the main reason making an email designer´s life much harder. Fortunately there are various helper frameworks (like Zurb´s foundation for emails) as well as online testing platforms that make it possible to get good cross platform, cross client results with reduced efforts.

I recommend that you have a look at sites like this:
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