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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 7, 2009
Bucks County, PA
I've added Apple TV to my home theater as a way of bringing my iTunes to my main AV system. The only thing lacking is web surfing. Will integrating a Mini supersede the AppleTV?
I've added Apple TV to my home theater as a way of bringing my iTunes to my main AV system. The only thing lacking is web surfing. Will integrating a Mini supersede the AppleTV?

Unless you just have the Mac Mini running as your Media Center and bypass the AppleTV all together. However saying that, I am wondering if there is a hack to install safari or another browser on the AppleTV to allow you to surf.
Unless you just have the Mac Mini running as your Media Center and bypass the AppleTV all together. However saying that, I am wondering if there is a hack to install safari or another browser on the AppleTV to allow you to surf.

you can easily install boxee which comes with couchsurfer...a homebrew web browsing app. It works ok, but it definitely isn't a painless web surfing experience (nothing is in the living room)
How does one navigate... specifically keyboarding?

I haven't messed with it too much because I hate web browsing in the living room. But I had to use the good old ATV character input. Its not pleasant.
Eh, web browsers belong on computers, not TV's. Have you ever tried using Wii's Opera browser? Barf!

Granted I'd like to get video from more sources, but my hope is that Apple introduces an App Store for Apple TV that would help with such a task.
How does one navigate... specifically keyboarding?

As far as I know there is no means of using a keyboard with ATV.

As far as the MacMini is concerned it also works well in a HTPC setup and gives the ability you want i.e. web surfing. Surfing via a large screen TV (LCD or Plasma is as good as a desktop providing you can get a resolution match betwen the two.

I have an ATV (simple for the wife to use) and a MacMini connected via HDMI to a 42" plasma. Both work well, I have also put my music/video into iTunes on the mini for syncing with the ATV so have the best of both worlds.

Both systems have their advantages/disadvantages but with both you can play just about anything asily.
As far as I know there is no means of using a keyboard with ATV.

The "Remote" app lets you use the virtual keyboard of your iPod or iPhone, but it doesn't support hacked software extensions.

It would be interesting to see if the iPhone's "Remote" app would support a browser you could download from the Apple TV App Store if Apple ends up making one.
Get Boxee. They just updates and we use it all the time. I used Couch Surfer too. For a quick look at web pages it rocks. I just bookmark my favorites. I think you can do a Google search for Boxee and how to install it. Also, there is a site called AppleTVWiki or something like that that has a rundown on Couch Surfer. Seriously, we used Boxee all the time. I'd pay for it if it wasn't FREE! I think you can use a keyboard with Couch Surfer, I just haven't braved that yet. Too much work. I'm cool with the remote control method.
Bottom line seems to be, do you want it to work out of the box with a download or two, or do you want the hassle of hacking???:eek:
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