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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 25, 2016
Hello there, I can't wait til Apple rolls out 10.12.5, 10.12.4 it has been a pain for me. After lots of issues and a clean install, most of them are fixed, but I haven't been able to identify and fix this one.

-First was Ableton Live 9, when I open it and start working on a project Energy Impact on Activity monitor goes crazy and I'm getting an Avg Energy Impact of 1000-3000 (crazy right ?).
-Safari is also taking more energy than ever, in el Capitan I was getting around 15-40 depending on what I was doing, (2-7 tabs -- youtube, reddit, feedly.. ) and now Average is around 100 all the time. I've tried reinstalling my extensions (uBlock, 2 feedly extensiones, Stylish, RES and a flux videofixer) and cleaning cookies and caches, but it seems the same.
-Microsoft Office, specially Word is around 700-800 avg, and I don't know why, I'm just writing a paper...

What do you think its happening here ?

I'm using a rMBP 2015 13"


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2003
Does it keep you from doing your work?

Does it slow down your mac?

Do the fans run wildly?

I'm running a very late 15 inch 2013 MBP. Safari is running now at 4.1 energy use. Virtual PC running windows XP in the background is running AT 14.2.

I'm running Sierra 10.12.4


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2003

Then... I would say that its not impacting your work flow, and you shouldn't worry about it. If it were taking a lot of energy that is impacting the processor the the fans would run. When I make a Movie on my machine which is arguably 2.5 times faster than yours, the energy is up around 350 and the fans run at an audible level.

Look to see what percentage of the CPU its using at the same time. Maybe the Energy thingie is just a bit whacky on your mac.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 25, 2016
Then... I would say that its not impacting your work flow, and you shouldn't worry about it. If it were taking a lot of energy that is impacting the processor the the fans would run. When I make a Movie on my machine which is arguably 2.5 times faster than yours, the energy is up around 350 and the fans run at an audible level.

Look to see what percentage of the CPU its using at the same time. Maybe the Energy thingie is just a bit whacky on your mac.
I'll keep an eye on the CPU tab, but honestly I thinl the issue with this is 10.12.4, it has been a mess for me, hope Apple will release 10.12.5 next week


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2003
When you say it been a mess for you, what else has been a problem?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 25, 2016
When you say it been a mess for you, what else has been a problem?

- Storage tab in About My Mac never finish calculating, tried everything but it is stuck. Apple told me to wait til the next update.

- Auto Time Zone location service don't stop enabling even though I have all the location services turned off. I fixed this deleten AutoTimeZone.plist and rebooting, but if I enable location for maps or Night Shift the issue appears again, so I can't use Night Shift right now.

-Video gliteches when viewing videos on youtube pr Netflix with Night Shift enabled.

- The crazy high energy impact of some apps ( Ableton Live 9, Microsoft Word, safari... )

- yesterday I had to reset PRAM because boot up was taking like a minute, when the day before it was 18 secs.

And don't get me started on the random wake ups during sleep mode because Apple want our Macs to behave like iPhones! If you are interested on this, I can send you some links, Apple changed the hibernate and sleep mode behaviour since rMBP 2015


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2003
You have my sympathy. MY rMBP 15" very late 2013 doesn't have any of those problems. MY MAC CALCULATES OK. I don't use night shift. No time zone issue: it knows where I am right away. No impact on the energy like you have. I have no idea if it wakes during sleep since I close the case, and I almost never shut it down so taking time to open is not an issue.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 25, 2016
Did you try reinstalling 10.12.4? I'd try that then if issue persists then reinstall 10.12.3. Then install 10.12.5 when it comes out to be current.

As I said, it's a clean install. I updated first from 10.12.3 but because all the bugs I decided to clean install 10.12.4, I'm not going to reinstall it again. I think 10.12.5 will be out next week or the other, OS X 10.11.5 was released the 16th of May I think, and 10.11.4 the 21st of March.


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2003
You could go back to a previous Time machine copy using 10.12.3. You did do a time machine copy before upgrading, right?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 25, 2016
You could go back to a previous Time machine copy using 10.12.3. You did do a time machine copy before upgrading, right?
I did, but I erased the HDD after clean installing the OS, yeah, stupid move haha SO I'm stuck in 10.12.4 til Apple releases the new one
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