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Original poster
Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Anyone else having this issue? Nothing is filtering. Everything is ending up in my Inbox, and it's not funny...

Do I have to set up filtering again? Grrr...



macrumors regular
Oct 2, 2015
Boston, Maine, Chile
Noticed this sometimes before 12.6 update, but not since update (but only been one day). I thought it was related to using Mail on multiple platforms. For me, since most of my filters refile to another Mailbox, when selecting message in the iCloud inbox, entering "command-option-l" will usually move that message for me, or when I "right-mouse / move to" I see that the correct destination is already selected.

I'd make sure that your filters of interest still have the "Active" box selected, when perusing in "Mail/Preferences/Rules"


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
My preference is to do server filtering/rules, not in the Mail client. Means I have to use a mail server web interface to define the rules. Once done it is much more reliable. Also more predictable which is important when you may have more than one Mac, iPhone, etc. connecting to the one mailbox.


Original poster
Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
My preference is to do server filtering/rules, not in the Mail client. Means I have to use a mail server web interface to define the rules. Once done it is much more reliable. Also more predictable which is important when you may have more than one Mac, iPhone, etc. connecting to the one mailbox.

I tried that but there isn't a delete option, unless they added one. I would still have to sift through a folder full of junk.

I get that the server *could* whack legit email, and accept that possibility. I was working with a nationwide vendor that used a gmail address. Yeah, I was shocked too. I had all gmail domain mail going to a folder that was wiped weekly, and wondered why I never got their RFPs. Then they told me their email address. I laughed at them and said that if they wanted to be taken seriously, they should not be using an email domain notorious for spam and crapmail. Yikes...


Original poster
Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Noticed this sometimes before 12.6 update, but not since update (but only been one day). I thought it was related to using Mail on multiple platforms. For me, since most of my filters refile to another Mailbox, when selecting message in the iCloud inbox, entering "command-option-l" will usually move that message for me, or when I "right-mouse / move to" I see that the correct destination is already selected.

I'd make sure that your filters of interest still have the "Active" box selected, when perusing in "Mail/Preferences/Rules"

Thanks, I will definitely check that.
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