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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 26, 2021
Hi everyone, here is a strange (and bit funny one) for you. In the system settings of macos you probably know the security and privacy menu where you can use the privacy tab to restrict access to camera, mic, folders and so on and you also find the settings for Apple ads and analytics there. Now the interesting thing I recognized when I made some changes on the mac of my wife and my own one was that the to menu objets ads und analytics where on different positions in the menu. At the mac of my wife, analytics was the last menu point where on my mac apple ads was the last. Now for some reasons I had to reinstall my mac again and now the order on my mac is the same then on my wifes computer. As I started getting curious I found out that there a multiple menu pictures out there in the internet, where the two buttons also differ in their position. But only this two buttons. Anyone else recognized this or has an idea what makes the difference during installation. Looking forward to reading from you guys.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
Only thing I can think of is that your wife's Mac was updated to the latest release of macOS and yours wasn't, then you may have installed the latest release of macOS on your Mac, which would explain why they now match. However, I don't know why Apple would change the order of the icons nor why it really matters anyway, as long as they're there.


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2021
It’s so bizarre, my parents have 13” MacBook Pro’s (2013) and recently updated their iPhones to 13, even though they have the same ones, neither looks nor works like the other. its little things like this, weird little qwerks but annoying.


macrumors 6502
Dec 17, 2021
Well the funny thing is, both macs where reinstalled from scratch to 12.3. So it‘s really is a interesting little glitch.
Oh yeah. I don’t doubt it. Even brand new out of box. Which is crazy, the only thing I can think of might be different places they were manufactured?
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